@abh12345, aka Asher - My Vote For The Most Undervalued Steemian

in #busy6 years ago

Delegations Helped Me And I Know Many Others

Today I contacted my two big delegators (500 SP each from @abh12345 and @swelker101) and told them they could take back their delegations due to the drop in Steem and the hit in income they are taking personally as a result. I feel for them because their earnings have plunged, and I can understand that removing delegations might be a tough thing to do (so I made it easy for them).

The reason I bring this up is because I think it should be known what some people "give" to help out the blockchain, and in particular Steemit. Many people give out delegations, and do without that income, in an effort to help people like me to grow. They "sacrifice" their own incomes to build a community and hopefully to help foster a sense of "this is a great place".

For this I want to publicly say thanks to both @abh12345 and @swelker101. I also want to thank all the delegators to everyone else too. What you all do has been essential to keeping people like me around for sure!

The Most Undervalued Steemian

@abh12345, aka Asher!

I particularly want to bring light to @abh12345, aka Asher. I know most of the people in my circles all know him. He is one of the biggest reasons that I am still here. I also know firsthand that is the case for many others too. The reason is simple, Asher has been prominent in not only engaging the minnows and newbies, but he has also been an active delegator to that same group. He has given people "power" when they had little to none on their own. He has followed the "pay it forward" teachings and lessons learned from another great Steemian @fulltimegeek.

While 50 SP or 100 SP might not seem like much to someone with 10,000 SP to 500,000 SP, it makes a huge difference to the newbies and minnows that I swim with. Asher has not only helped me, he has helped 50 to 100 others over time (that I know about). And he does so week in and week out since I've known him.

On top of this, Asher has encouraged engagement with others through "Asher's League of Excellence", and he has also promoted the noble messages of not self-voting and limited use of bid-bots. Asher has always thought about developing the "base" and on this mark I give him an A+++.

Message To Large Steemians, Help Asher (and people like him)

As Steem goes lower and people wonder what happens next, I can give you my thoughts if you care to listen.

First, the retention rate here on Steemit is terrible. People can be ostriches and ignore it, or they can wake up and do something about it whenever they want. And by people, I'm referring to the class of people that can actually make a difference, the 1%. The large Steemians like @ned @freedom and others with literally tens, if not, hundreds of thousands of SP. I doubt any of you will read this, since you always seem so disengaged, but maybe just maybe you will just this once. I hope so, because you CAN do something and I will tell you how in a minute.

And to Steemit Inc, while you have been focused on building the tech side of the business (which is pretty awesome), you have let slip through your hands some seriously good people. People that you should want, that could've been a foundation to really grow the platform in the future. I know because I have been involved and seen many of them leave as they feel they have no chance to every impact the platform. Put simply, you must know that you are top heavy in distribution, so at a minimum you should try to make people feel energized and hopeful.

This is where @abh12345 comes in. He should be getting a massive delegation just to duplicate what he does naturally. And I'm not talking about 1000 SP, I'm talking hundreds of thousands of SP collectively between you. Frankly, he should be on your payroll because his actions prove he "gets it". His model should be replicated many times over, and if you lend him your power (SP), then he has shown already what he will do with it. He will help you with your pathetic retention programs and actually find ways to make people want to stay! Isn't that of any value to you?

If I was a large stakeholder of SP, then I would ask myself these questions:

  1. How is NOT delegating to major retention-minded Steemians working out for you?
  2. Has the income you've earned in the last 6 months by keeping all your SP covered the 80% loss you've experienced in market value?
  3. Have you learned that the "masses" care about more than just technology (ie they also care about the social aspect)?
  4. Finally, why not give it a try? Delegate 100K SP or 500K SP to Asher and give him 3 months.

Why Not Try Something Different?

My "highly recommended" witness votes will now be added to my posts. I hope you add them as your witness and to your posts too!




Hi @davemccoy aka Dave

This is a rather flattering post to read for me, I think I've turned a little red.

You know I'm going to try and pass the praise on to others here don't you?!

Were it not for the actions of @fulltimegeek and the influences of some other selfless/community minded Steemians, cheap delegations, and a sponsorship from @paulag, @carlgnash, and @curie my efforts would have not been where they are at present.

Saying that, thank you very much for your support, very kind of you!


I thought that was just the sun on your face Asher! ;)

And seriously you deserve all the praise and more! While you want to "try" and pass the praise, I'm sure that @fulltimegeek, @paulag, @carlgnash, and @curie would totally agree too!

Much respect my friend! :)

ps... I hope the 1%ers are listening. Its about time for them to recognize the problem and try a new path! Honestly, what do they have to lose?

Yes @davemccoy I fully agree and second this.

Hopefully in the next few weeks, with Ashers help of course, @steemcommunity will be setting out some more structured plans to help with retention. Its a big focus for us.

@paulag I'm very happy to see this. I think if anyone can do it, it would be your great team with @abh12345... If there is anything I can do to help, I will be happy to do so!

That is an amazing gesture Dave. Makes me happy to read before I head off to bed. :)

@danielsaori awesome! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply, but its very nice to see that you got a chance to read the post! :) You're pretty awesome too btw! 😀

The sun over the past week may have played a small part too :)

Honestly, what do they have to lose?

Short-term profits? Being hounded for more delegations?

I'd be surprised, but it's a very kind gesture of you to put me forward!

well my math would work out a bit different... They don't get the short-term profits if they lose the value of their long term SP. Its like taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back every day.

If they want me to do the math for them I could show them on paper! ;)

ps... I did it because I believe it. They are foolish to not use their best assets to their full capabilities. I did run 2 different multi-$100 million sales companies and I would never have let someone like you be under-utilized. Its simple if they just got their heads out of their (you pick the word). :D

I've said it before and I'll say it again Asher, You really are a good egg :) And taking a page from Dave's book, if and when you need to take your delegation back from me, please do so! I've appreciated having it, but in the end, it's all yours ;)

I think I've turned a little red.

That's just the beer :)

Thank you Lynn :) I really want you to reach 500 of your own SP before I take it back, that was the original plan and I'd like to see it through.

Hopefully you'll get there soon!

Thanks Ash, I appreciate that! I hope I'll get there soon too :)

Finally, why not give it a try? Delegate 100K SP or 500K SP to Asher and give him 3 months.

I wish I had 100k SP to delegate, but in the meantime I've taken your advice and delegated 1,000 SP to both yourself and Asher.

For a while I was doing a lot of manual curation so I kept most of my SP undelegated but I've been getting too busy and slacking on that recently so hopefully you guys can put it to better use!

That is absolutely awesome Matt! Thank you very much... I'm not sure you heard my advice exactly correct, but I'm honored that you would include me too :D ... I wish everyone was as attentive as you in helping the community!

Thank you for helping Asher (and of course for helping me too!)... It is very cool of you to do and its very much appreciated!!!

How awesome is that!

Incredibly awesome! :D ... see you hit the nail on the head again! ;)

Awesome move Matt!
We could only wish that the biggest bid bot delegators would do the same. Imagine the value that would bring for the platform.

Awww @yabapmatt! Thanks for heeding the call; very kind and generous of you to do :)

That is absolutely awesome Matt! You, Asher and Dave are my absolute favorite Steemians, and the kindness and generosity you all have shown to the community is unparallel. I’m glad to have met you gentlemen on my journey here. 🙂

Now I won’t feel so guilty having the delegations from Asher and Dave. However I might try to persuade them, I know they won’t undelegate until I reach the magic SP threshold. Dave is so stubborn that he may not even then. ;)

Very generous of you, @yabapmatt. I’m sure they’ll both use it for the best. :0)

Well just look at you guys over here being all sweet and kind to one another. This may be the happiest comment thread ever. The post not too bad either;)
@abh12345 indeed seems to be a pretty good egg. I think I went over to investigate the engagement leagues. Ended up finding tons of useful info. Those little charts and graphs he keeps doing are packed with all kinds of interesting bits.
Seriously though I am pretty impressed with how many people can be touched by one determined account. @abh12345 seems to be the embodiment of that philosophy (with little charts to prove it)
I think @steemcommunity as a whole just blows it out of the park.
The fact that there is not a lot of support going that way from the accounts higher up the food chain is cause for concern. Seems like one more example of some problems I have seen discussed quite a bit this week.
If there is anyone who can get more support flowing from the top down it would be you @ davemccoy I see you accomplish huge things on a fairly consistent basis. Probably enough to even change up some of the numbers on those little charts. Wishing you the best of luck with this one. No question it would be good for us all.

@headchange ... well that is a very nice compliment to me, but I doubt I have too much sway there ;)... and so very true about @abh12345... He has truly changed the course as far as I can tell... Without him I don't know if I would even be around here talking to you... So for that one simple thing, I say "thank you" again to Asher! :D

Well we all better thank him for that one too. I bet if you weren't here there are a few that wouldn't be around. It's a trickle down kind of world after all.

@headchange ... awww that is nice... I would just hope that I was missed :) ... And you are right, it is a trickle down situation for sure :)

I am happy to read the love they have for @abh12345, I can't be left out, there are many things that separate me from Asher; I live in Venezuela, I only speak Spanish, I am relatively new in this platform and even so I consider Asher to be those friends you know from years and that always lend you a hand, for him it is not a secret, every time I can write him THANK YOU, the change in my way of seeing steemit, was my first impulse with a delegation and without even talking, gave me the tools to get here, he is one of those people who is in all his comments, who always has kind words, who with statistics informs you and who with transparency generates the confidence that makes it special, again I hope that success will continue to come your way, because this will be the success of all the steemians who selflessly help, thank you for all my favorite statesman!

@melvadg this is a really good reply and I completely agree with you about @abh12345... I love hearing your story and recommendation because I value your words in every comment I've ever seen from you :)

Couldn't agree more, Asher is a GEM!!!

@carlgnash thanks for letting him know too... I think its always awesome to be recognized by your peers too and I know Asher also looks up to you too!

We met Asher at the same time when he showed interest to our #newbieresteemday community. The shock of it all back then, someone with a higher rep interested in helping a community of newbies/redfishes! He didn't simply give upvotes to our members' posts, but became a mentor, counselor, supporter, and friend to many of us on here.

Ever since, he has my deepest admiration and respect. Not simply because he showed interest to our community, and not because I too am a recipient of his SP delegation (to help me and others reach that magic 500 SP achievement), but Asher has my respect because I see his commitment to this platform and his unselfish quality of helping others. His dedication to the betterment of this platform is insurmountable.

@steemcommunity, the witness team Asher is co-founder, has my full support!

I couldn't have said it better @beeyou! You always (when you put your mind to it) manage to say it better and with more grace than me! Good comment and fully agree! :)

You have my deepest admiration and respect as well Dave. I can express the same sentiments about you. :)

@beeyou awww... I didn't see this... thank you so much @beeyou :) (and back at ya!)

It's okay Dave. I understand how hard it can be to get back to all the comments. See, I do use the fast reply when I am super behind @davemccoy

@beeyou I see that... and it does work wonders for sure... I'm using it right now myself :D

Thank you Asher! I have finally gotten a new computer and hopped back on the platform just in time to see this. Shortly before my tech problems weighed me down Asher helped me out quite a bit; probably more than he realized. Very undervalued. Thanks again, both of ya :)

@herbertholmes you are very right and glad to see you got a chance to weigh in with your opinion about @abh12345 :) ... He is the best!

Only just found this post @davemccoy, but I second what you've said: Asher is basically one of the most valuable — and undervalued — contributors we have on Steemit. I'm not surprised one of his original inspirations is @fulltimegeek... one of our few "original" community oriented whales.

One of the "problems" we seem to have on Steemit is too much short term profit taking... people aren't looking enough at (for example) what delegating 500K SP to someone like Asher for a couple of years could mean as an investment, considering the impact of that much community driven effort on the overall value of Steemit. OK, so you might not be getting your $200 cash a day, but doesn't that pale by comparison to handing over 500K at $1.50 Steem and getting it back at $15.00 Steem?

Sadly, very few people have the scope to think like that.

But kudos to you for highlighting Asher in this post!


@curatorcat ... you have hit the nail on the head... You can tell your human that her cat knows her stuff for sure! That is exactly right and hopefully a few have started to wake up to the issue and attempt to do something to fix it. And they don't have to look far for answers, people give good advice freely here (and cats too) :P

I totally agree!
Couldn't have said it better!

I'm actually a bit amazed to see the small amount Asher earns on a weekly basis. Especially if you compare it to some others.

And indeed a brilliant idea to give Asher a whale/orca delegation to extend his impact and make a bigger difference. For example for the retention of newcomers.

Therefore I propose that we all tag someone in the comments. To see if we can actively provide a bot of help. @roelandp can you perhaps do a little something?

what a wonderful idea @crypto-econom1st.... I agree... maybe if each of us showed our common agreement with this message by tagging another, then we may be able to reach high enough to make a difference. I'll tag @drakos who I know is a big boy and can help to spread the word if he likes it :)

And thanks for the color in your comment too :)

Which color?

hahaha.... that's just a descriptive word.... "color" means giving a good description of the events :)

Thanks I got it!

Although my English is quite alright I'm not a native speaker. So I'm really not familiar with these sayings. But it's always nice to learn something.

@crypto-econom1st :P... it is slang... I don't even know if it is proper english... But now you know a saying nonetheless! :)

I’m glad to see it’s not just me, Dave ;0)

Right on Dave. People who do good like Asher and yourself need to have exposure every once in a while to remind us that the world is still good. Steemit and the world would be a much better place with more acts of kindness and community support.

Thank you for the kind comment @mellofello :)

All the kind words in this post are well deserved. Your actions and community support speak loudly. With all the analytics that you do, it would be cool to produce a visualization that could show the impact of your delegations. Like a sunburst chart with you in the center and the outer layers would represent the users that have benefit directly or indirectly. Dave and Paula and other delegation recipients could be the next layer, and the people they upvote would be h next, and so forth. Would be interesting to see how wide the relationship tree travels. If you can have data proof of delegations to community supporter, maybe more dolphins and whales would adopt your community support model.

Thank you @mellofello, very kind of you to say so :)

It would be cool to enter a name and visualize their delegations and where the delegated SP goes - It sounds like someone has already done that?

I'm not the only one doing this, but yes, I would be great to see more of it.

I agree Mello! And thanks for including me, but really Asher is the star! :) ... I'm excited for the football season to get started, its just around the corner ;)

Oh Dave, alway so humble. You do a lot to suppport the newbie community. We apppreciat all that you do. I can’t wait for FB season too. Eagles Eagles Eagles haha!

@mellofello ... its coming soon Mello! I'm starting to see all the magazines hitting the shelves now ;)

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