
So you think you'll insult me into believing your propaganda, eh? How many times has that worked? Zero?

"The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~ Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is a Jew. You aren't allowed to quote a Jew.. or use their technology. You are supposed to boycot israel you useful idiot. Calling me a neo-nazi is not calling names? HYPOCRITE.

An insult? How come? That's just your political ideology. If you believe that belonging to that ideology is insulting, why do you stick to it?

You aren't allowed to quote a Jew.. or use their technology.

I can perfectly be against the Genocidal State of Israel without being Anti-Jewish. In fact, there are plenty of Jews who agree with me. Your propaganda has failed again.

Why are you so nervous, after all? Is the remorse of defending a genocidal regime affecting you?

Oh please. The selection of ISRAEL above all other nations and their crimes is ANTI-SEMETIC. You think the rest of us are that stupid and you change names around to HIDE that you hate Jews. FUCK OFF you imbecile. Jews need Israel, because you fucking non-Jews hate so much.

Israel will live forever. You will die.

Here, stop bothering me and go learn something.

Jewish Voice For Peace:

(And while you're at it, learn how to spell "Semitic" properly. Or are you so Anti-Semitic you can't even spell it?)


Self hating Socialist Jews you have assimilated LEFT-SOCIALIST BELIEFS like your own. Jew hater uses other Jews to try to prove point.

Here is someone to follow:

"Self hating Socialist Jews you have assimilated LEFT-SOCIALIST BELIEFS like your own. Jew hater uses other Jews to try to prove point."

↑↑↑ Level of Paranoia: Dangerously High. ↑↑↑

What part of "Stop bothering me" do you fail to understand?

Again: I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR NEO-NAZI PROPAGANDA. Do I need to make you a picture?

So you say calling names doesn't work.. and then you call names. LOL and you keep responding to my trolling! FUCK OFF YOU LEFTIST SOCIALISTS ISLAMIC SCUMBAG.



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