Typical aceh plants, jeumpa flowers

in #busy7 years ago (edited)


Hi stemian
How are you all, may be all healthy, and happy always,
This time I will explain about the typical aceh plant that is jeumpa flower
Jeumpa flower (Michelia champaka) or also called Cempaka Kuning, is one of about 50 species of members of the genus Michelia. Jeumpa flower is a tree or shrub that has a height between 3-6 meters. Has a flower that smells fragrant and colored orange, yellow or cream white, rather large size, strands of flowers arranged in a lot of strands. Chocolate fruit consists of 2-6 seeds. This flower oil is used as a perfume. Jeumpa flower is the identity flora (mascot) of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province.


Jeumpa or Cempaka Yellow flowers are from India and spread from India, Indo China, Indo China, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands. Jeumpa flowers grow on the edge of the forest on fertile soil at an altitude of up to 1500 m asl.

Propagation of the flower identity of the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darusaalam can be done easily through the seeds that will grow approximately 3 months after the seeds are spread and within 4 - 5 years the tree has produced flowers.

In Indonesia, this Flower has several local names such as;

Jeumpa (Aceh),

Jempa, Cempa (Gayo),

Campaga (Minangkabau),

Campaka Koneng (Sunda),

Cempaka Kuneng (Java)

Kembhang Koneng, Compaka Koneng (Madura),

Campaka, Campaka Barak, Campaka Warangan (Bali),

Campaka Mariri (north Sulawesi),

Campaka (Gorontalo),

Flowers Macela, Cepaga (Bugis),

Sampakak (Ceram),

Cupaka (North Halmahera),

Capaka Goraci (Ternate).

Indonesian stamps depict Jeumpa flowers

In other countries like India called "Champaca Champa" (चमपा चमपा), in Thailand it is called "จำป "ा" ", while in Vietnam it is called" Su Nam "or" Su Ngoc Lan "

The use of Jeumpa flowers, among others, can be used as a mixture on herbs or used for hair fragrance or mixed with other ingredients to be used as perfume. The flowers can be extracted for perfume or a perfume mixture on cosmetics.

Thank goodness this beautiful and fragrant flowers are not included in the category of rare flora because it is still widely found in various regions in Indonesia. Both those that grow wild or are cultivated as ornamental plants.

Maybe this is just an article article from me, may be useful
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