Thoughts from a Garden | Polish winter vs Mexican summer
After the Steem Fest finished I had two options, well, maybe three: Going back to Moscow where my lovely Russian girls were waiting for me to meet them (yeah right), going to Romania with Guyfawkes4-20 and Celestal, or going to Spain with Zlatan-spielberg.
I ended up doing none of them. I decided to stay in Krakow, Poland for a few more days. Why? I'm not sure and I don't think I'll find out even if I try solving the puzzle in my head. I just felt like doing it and since following my instinct and going with the flow has always worked out for me, I just stayed in Poland.
I knew that eventually I would have to go to Mexico because I have my US Visa appointment in a few days and also because, you know, Christmas and all that normal people stuff. But I wasn't ready to leave Poland. I didn't feel prepared to say good bye to the chilly weather and the memories from people walking down the street wearing an orange scarf and speaking in weird english accents. I felt nowhere near willing to turn my back to a city that, despite a few bad situations I experienced, managed to hypnotize me.
So I stayed. Without reasons and with no real plans, I told the cute girl in the hostel's front desk that I was staying one more week.
Despite all my traveling, I had never seen snow before that one time in Moscow three weeks ago. Something told me it would snow in Krakow soon, and I wanted to stay and experience it.
I spent my days in Krakow alone, but not lonely. See that's one of the first things you learn when traveling solo: you learn how to be with yourself, to enjoy your own company, to be your best friend. You actually enjoy being alone and you cherish those moments and, when you are with people who are not good enough, you realize you would rather be alone.
I guess it was a reaction to all those days surrounded by people. Perhaps my brain and body told me hey, time for some Eric time. I don't know.
One thing I know is that I really enjoyed walking the streets of Krakow by myself. Working on my Steem projects during the morning, flirting with the hostel receptionist in the evening and walking by myself during the nights. I'm not kidding, I even had some weird warm wine with her one evening - she made it -, I have the feeling it's a pretty simple name but I just can't remember the drink's name.
The days passed and I was very happy in my loneliness. I even thought of cancelling my flight to Mexico but my responsible side won the battle. After all, the @steemonboarding project as well as my involvement in @ocd, @sndbox and other minor projects will get the best of me during the next few months.
It's funny. I didn't have a single drop of booze - apart from that wine that night - during the whole week. I'm a heavy drinker but just when I'm surrounded by people I care about and I want to have a blast with. Yeah, that's my story for why I had so many beers during the fest and I'm sticking to it.
No but seriously, I think I made some very good friends two weeks ago in Krakow. Maybe friends I won't ever see again but still, friends that you will always remember with a smile on your face, that kind of people that you will always cherish that bond, that link you made with them, those guys and gals that you just clicked with, and no matter what happens, that click will never go away.
I am in Mexico now and I'm not liking it. It's not that I don't like being back home with my family and my dogs, it's just that I would rather be somewhere else, I'd prefer being back in Krakow, surrounded by all that mess, the crazy people, the joyful smiles, the loud laughs and the constant conversations.
I can't complain, I'm not having a bad time, is actually not bad at all.
I'm having a beer and smoking a cigarette in my dad's garden with Denzel, the Belgian Shepherd and Fiona, the great Danish and still, I keep wishing I was somewhere else.
By the way, despite the tone of my post, no I'm not sad not deppressed nor being negative, even if I sound like that, I just went through the freewrite and let my deep thoughts get out, I hope you enjoyed reading this piece :)
Good storytelling bro.
I’ve been st that place mentally. There’s comfort in the chaos.
Thanks man! Really tried to let the words flow without thinking of it, I appreciate you liked it. It's been a while, I'll TTY to drop by in the no name chat tomorrow 💪💪💪
You just have nostalgia and a small autumn dipression. It will soon pass :)
I hope it's not depression! Nostalgia I can deal with haha
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Se ve que la pasaste super, los viajes y los amigos son algo muy chevere, pero creo que tomaste la decisión correcta al volver, pienso que las navidades es una época que hay que disfrutarla en familia, porque en muy pocas ocasiones lo hacemos. Saludos
@anomadsoul, so you were in Moscow 3 weeks ago?
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I was like this once, holed up in an apartment in Phoenix, AZ, but with barely any friends. I never did get used to it.
Hello @anomadsoul! These photos reminded me of my city, we also have what kind of streets with tramways. Looks like I know what drink you drank - this is Mulled wine. It was interesting to read your adventures)).
Everybody needs some
Eric time
:P We just sometimes do not find the time to realize and implement it in our (oh too busy) livesThanks for a nice post, I enjoyed reading it and it gives me another reason to propose a STEEM FEST taking place in Crete, Greece!
You do not get to see snow in November, but you do get to swim in the sea!
Have a great day!
I always love reading these personal posts. I like the way you talk, it's close and intimate somehow.
The feeling will pass. As others said, I think it's nostalgia ;)
Don't say that 😥😥😥
Oh and you drank mulled wine. No idea what they call it in Polish, but we have it here too (pretty big during the cold months!) 😇
I am hooked reading this one as I've always been with all your traveling stories. I think it's good to go back home once in a while just to recharge. Well I'll call this one winter blues :)