The road to Steem Fest | Final week: Pre-breaking the ice
But let´s be honest, some of the people using the tag may haven´t even read other people´s posts of maybe just joined the tag cause other steemians were using it; both cases are totally fine, but wouldn´t it be great if this last week, these last 7 days before Steem Fest begins, we actually try to have the ice ready to be broken?
How can we do that? With Humor
1.- Tell us your most embarrasing moment in life. It doesn´t matter if it was when you were 6 years old or if it was last week. Come on, open up.
2.- If you were stranded in a deserted island with 3 Steem Fest attendees, who would they be and why? (Thanks @abh12345 for this one).
3.- As thumbnail of your post, make a funny face.
Then, other Steemians can meme your picture :D
A billion extra points for those making funny memes in other people´s posts.
4.- If you had one superpower (any superpower), what would it be, why, and how would you use it during Steem Fest?
Bonus: Only answer this one if you feel ok with it. Just bear in mind that the answers to this one will be funny as fuck and a great way to have a laugh about it.
5.- If you had to pick one Steemian for a summer fling story, who would it be? We don´t care if you are married or in a relationship, this is just for shits and giggles and to break the ice. (Thanks @eveuncovered for this one) Bonus points, tequila shots and a 100% vote from me to whoever answers this question.
See you in one week amigos, can´t wait.
Ha ha. Ohh man that last question is really letting the cat out of the bag. Now there will be a bunch of steemians checking out each others blogs like:
Bahaha for real. We have to only pick one? There are too many sexy steemians out there for that!
Might be worth it for that tequila shot though. 😂
Ha ha, for sure. Steemians are the most beautiful tribe of all the online communities. Much better looking than all those obsessive Reddit-ers.
I'd watch what I'm saying but I'm not on Reddit so... screw it 😂
hahahaha so true
Hahaha shit... i'm going to have fun with this last one!
One week to goooo!
About the last question; pick one Steemian, or pick a Steemian that will be on Steemfest? Can we make this any more awkward 😝
Oh shoot didn't notice this comment 🙈
Wow, I want to go to Steemfest sooo bad! Looking forward to your updates!
Excellent review and my answer to question 5: @traf
Ciertamente debe ser muy emocionante asistir y estar tan cerca del "steemfest", solo quiero pedirte que (al igual ue con el mundial) nos mandes algunas grabaciones, y compartas algunos post de ese gran evento con nosotros; no solo diciendo si las chicas de Kracovia son lindas (claro, si mandas sus fotos sería mejor jajaja), te mando un fuerte abrazo y mis mejores deseos de éxito para ti.
Espero verte en 2019. Un abrazo, Eric @anomadsoul
Great moment waiting for all steemian..i am so exited about steemfest but unfortunately i have not going to attend this fest.. If in a future any chance i get i will go on and join steemfest..
Best of luck who are attend this fest and enjoy this gald moment..
Thanks sir @anomadsoul for your remembere me.
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Oh @eveuncovered 😂 always with the best ideas! Well, this week should be interesting...
I don't care to know your favourite colour, I wanna get to the good stuff 😝
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Uff im still so sad to can not join it =(