Never Allow Nobody to Tell You That You Can not Or Are Not Able
Hello very good day here for the tour of Parque Del Este, something super motivated with desire to move forward without stopping and without brakes. to continue with my goals and dreams even if I have a million obstacles, little by little I have come out ahead and I will continue without caring about anything or anyone. One step at a time as I always say are small steps but giant steps shortening distances and adversities, we came to achieve what we propose only few decide, if continue or abandon their goals and dreams I am not part of this type of people.
Steven Covey
Author and successful speaker, "The seven habits of highly effective people", his masterpiece.
"The facts have more impact than what is said"
Jim Rohn
American businessman, author and motivational speaker.
"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak, be brave, but not intimidate; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not shy, feel proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without madness "
This seemed appropriate for the cover, but I did not decide on the other these days thinking about the simple things and what. Do not expect anything are the best and you generate great expectations and results, so I will give you a great video at the end is a great idol for many. I believe that in these moments I am like him in his beginnings and since he never gave up, he simply trusted him and yes he overcame all the obstacles that destiny and life placed in his path. As to see if he gave up and never did he fought until the end as a good warrior, what I liked the most was his final sentence "Never let anyone tell you no".
Sam Walton
Founding businessman of the Wal-Mart and Sam's stores.
"The leaders stand out for the way to increase the self-esteem of their staff. If people believe in themselves, everything they can achieve is incredible. "
Max DePree
Founder of the company Herman Miller.
"The first responsibility of a leader is to define the goals. The last one is to thank. In the middle, the leader is a servant. "
And to finish here reading these phrases about one left, that since my whole life I've never used let anyone on the planet tell you no or that you are not able to achieve, do. Just turn around and show them all that if you you can do and achieve with facts not with words because the words are blown by the wind, just never let yourself be carried away or manipulated by what they will say as this type of people steal your dreams. It's like something they can not do or achieve that will try to make you see and feel the same or worse than themselves.
All photos were taken by me, phone and edited by Photoshop Express.