Philodendron - Filadendron

in #busy7 years ago (edited)



A highly resistant plant that is cultivated without problems. A plant that doesn't ask for much care. It is a great home air purifier and so it is recommended to be kept indoors.
Philodendron cleanses air from toxins and enhances with negatively charged ion which are usually insufficient indoors.
It's definetely the most resistant and useful room plant that is also easy to take care of and my philodendron that's over 30 years old, is the proof of that believe it or not.
They say that philodendron should be called The King amongst room plants, I call my philodendron The King Amongst all of my other plants because it deserved it.
The problem is that to this plant you have to give a bit more space. It is important for it to be in a moderate amount of light, because if it's exposed to strong bright sun yellow leaves will appear.
It happened with my philodendron because my terrace is glazed and it faces the sunny side.
It caused few leaves to go yellow but philodendron survived that as well.
In the photo you saw that in the middle a stick is placed. Thanks to the stick I managed to lift the leaves so it wouldn't cringe.
Philodendron requires a lot of moisture but don't over water it. You need to clean the dust off it's leaves and spray it with water. I did that more for myself so I wouldn't look at the dust.
Even though my terrace is closed I don't have heating in it. If the winter is mild my plant can stay on it's place no problem. But if the snow falls I take it in the room. That's what I did this year as soon it got colder. It pleased it so much that it showed me it's gratitude as soon as it got better.
It was the new leaves.

As far as the diet goes I used liquid fertilizer. Later I started using ingridients I have in my kitchen and are good for plants. I apply this for a long time and I can tell you it works.

Necessary ingredients:
Banana peal
Ground coffee

Mix all the ingridients and add a bit of water. I pour that in the plant's pot. The results are amazing. As I said my philodendron has over 30 years which says about how resistant it is.
If it continues to be like this it can outlive me.
Who outlives will speak.



Vrlo otporna sobna biljka koja se gaji bez mnogo muke. Biljka koja ne traži puno nege, a pritom bi vam bila jako zahvalna, jer je odličan pročišćivač vazduha u kući pa se zbog toga preporučuje u zatvorenom prostoru.
Filadendron čisti vazduh od toksina i oplemenjuje negativnim jonima koji inače nedostaju u zatvorenom prostoru.
Definitivno najotpornija i najkorisnija sobna biljka koja se pritom i lako gaji svedoči o tome moj filadendron koji je star preko 30 godina-verovali ili ne.
Kažu da bi filadendron trebao da nosi naziv Kralj među saksijskim cvećem, a ja moj filadendron odavno nazivam Kraljem među ostalim mojim cvećem jer je to s pravom i zaslužio.
Problem je u tome što ovoj biljci morate da priuštite malo veći prostor.
Važno je da bude na umerenom svetlu jer ako je na jakom suncu pojaviće se žuti listovi. To se dešavalo kod mog filadendrona jer moja terasa je zastakljena i nalazi se na sunčanoj strani. To je prouzrokovalo da je par listova požutelo ali filadendron je i to preživeo.
Videli ste na slici da se u sredini nalazi štap. Zahvaljujući njemu uspela sam da podignem lišće da ne bi puzalo.
Filadendron zahteva dosta vlage ali ne preterujte sa zalivanjem. Potrebno je redovno brisati prašinu sa listova i prskati ih. Ja sam to radila više zbog sebe da ne bih gledala prašinu. Iako imam zatvorenu terasu nemam priključeno grejanje. Ako je blaga zima moj filadendron može slobodno da ostane na svom mestu bez problema. Ali ako padne sneg odmah ga unosim u sobu.
Tako sam uradila i obe godine čim je malo više zahladnelo.
To mu je toliko prijalo da mi je vrlo brzo pokazao svoju zahvalnost. Bilo je to novo lišće u novom broju.
Što se tiče prehrane koristila sam tečna đubriva. Kasnije sam počela da koristim sastojke koje imam u kuhinji, a dobre su za prehranu cveća.
Ovo primenjujem već duže vreme i mogu vam reći da deluje.

Potrebni sastojci:
Kora od banane
Mlevena kafa
Ljuska od jajeta

Sve sastojke izmiksam, pomešam sa malo vode. To sipam u saksiju oko biljke. Rezultati su neverovatni.
Kao što sam rekla moj filadendron ima više od 30 godina što govori koliko je otporan.
Čini mi se ako ovako nastavi može da me nadživi.
Ko preživi pričaće.


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