How much it really costs the clothing companies to produce what they sell to us?

in #busy7 years ago


The biggest fashion companies in the world have managed to lower the prices of clothes in recent years, but this has a heavy human price! Not only in Third World countries.

But also in the developed world.

Our clothes cost more than a thousand lives!
Who really pays the price for the clothes we wear ?!
Once we wore clothes that cheap and simple, once we would wear every item for years but now replace every few days a garment on H&M so someone pays the price, the question is who pays the price ...?

#The fashion industry rolls more than two and a half trillion dollars a year!

Statistics show that every sixth person in the world is some how connected to the fashion industry!

Many of these factories are located in third world countries, India, Thailand, Indonesia and so on.
The data shows that as more fires have broken out because of chemicals in fashion factories, fashion companies have become increasingly profitable.
In the year when the most fires broke out in fashion factories because of chemicals, fashion companies became more and more wealthy.

The price of environmental pollution is also very large!

The data show that the fashion industry is number 2 in environmental pollution!


We can see how much it would cost to produce a certain garment in Zara in the US and how much it cost to produce it in Bangladesh 355% difference more to make the same cloth.


On the other hand, fashion companies claim that cheap production of clothing does not necessarily

indicate the exploitation of workers but years of experience and a few mediators, very high efficiency and utilization of technology in order to produce material cheaply.

what do you think?!


There is no good in a nation that eats of what it does not sow , and is clothed in what is not made
Is the principle missing here‏.

Overpopulation and the opening of many country's labor markets pushed down wages globally, the reduction of tariffs has seen these low wages get exploited by multi-national corporations for profit, and in the end the consumer overpays, lines the pockets of millionaires and billionaires, wears it a few times and tosses it out, adding to the tons of waste in energy, resources and man-hours necessary to sustain this terrible business model. We should consume in a way that is aligned with a healthy, sustainable growth of our planet and peoples or we will all share the same sad fate.

es cierto en los ultimos años la industria textil se a masificado ya que la evoluciona trae cambio, cada vez año innovan algo para los consumidores y la demanda cada vez es mayor, la industria se hace cada vez mas rica percibiendo mas del 70 % de las ganancias.... pero el gran problema el la cantidad de químicos utilizados para los textiles ya que terminan desechando al medio ambiente todas estas sustancias sin pensar en los daños que causaran que en oportunidades son irreversibles, tanto para la fauna y flora y en algunos casos los humanos...
excelente tema.

We have regular clothing swaps here in Gothenburg where everyone just brings a lot of clothes and exchange with each other. Great way to meet and get new clothes and let your old one find a new owner.

There's a lot of good second hand stores here where you can find really nice affordable clothes. There are such an abundance of clothes so I see no need of buying them new at this point...

Even if I don't buy any new clothes I don't wear certain things like jeans to avoid normalizing it as the way it's being produced is really bad for the environment...


ממש עצוב :( הנקודה היא שהצרכן מקבל בחנות מוצר מוגמר, שמריח טוב, בחנות יפה ומרווחת, והוא בכלל לא מדמיין לעצמו שבשביל ליצר את הבגד הנחמד שהוא רואה עכשיו מישהו ישב ועבד ללא שום תנאים ועם משכורת רעב תוך כדי סיכון החיים שלו.
הדרך לשנות זה להגביר מודעות - ואתה עושה בדיוק את זה בפוסט הזה :) לפני כמה שנים היתה סערה מסביב לצמר מארנבות "אנגורה" שבתהליך ההפקה שלו תולשים את הצמר מהארנבות באכזריות, בעקבות כל הרעש התקשורתי חברות ענק כמו אייץ' & אם הפסיקו את השימוש בצמר הזה - אז יש מה לעשות :) ברגע שהחברות יבינו שיותר משתלם להן להרוויח קצת פחות ולתת שכר ותנאים סבירים יותר לעובדים, הם פשוט יעשו את זה - כי חרם צרכני יפגע בהן הרבה יותר.

עוד חשש שיש לחשוב עליו הוא שגם הכנסת עוד מכונות לתהליך הוא אמנם פתרון בשביל החברות הגדולות, אבל זה גורם להמון עובדים עניים להיות מפוטרים - ככה שעוד מכונות לא בהכרח מיטיב עם העובדים - הם מאבדים את מקום העבודה שלהם :(

יש לי פוסט חדש ומושקע, תציץ אם בא לך :)

when I discover that even expensive Apple have its factories in China, I understood everything about prices of brands(
Now I'm far from illusions about their quality)

it's an Apple factory in China

not surprised

I think it is about time to get used to hemp clothing and work on great machines that can produce clothes from scratch. Maybe even customizable with new 3d printers.would be nice at least

For businesses, they will pretty much always look for ways to increase their profit margins. Even more with public companies that have shareholders. So of course companies are going to look to other countries where production is a lot cheaper. I do think it's exploitation. The workers in those countries are used to working in poor conditions and receiving low pay. Since the companies know this, they know they're able to increase their profit margins even more by having poor working environments for their workers and paying them ridiculously low wages. They probably do this because they know that the workers won't retaliate. If that were to happen in the US, then there would be boycotts and union strikes.

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