Islam has panicles developed in Europe
This is one proof of the rise of Islam in Europe ,,
The church that Muslims have bought in the right European country in the Norwegian city of Stavanger ,,
In the past this building looks clear cross, now no more ,,
Subhan Allah ,,,
When I examine more closely why the church is sold because the church does not have a congregation, the less the congregation gets less and even they go to church only at weddings, christmas and deaths,
Therefore, so many churches sold and the buyers are Muslims,
Although the price is 5 x fold is expensive, but God helps the church can be bought and made mosque where the worship of Muslims.
Let my brothers ,, makmurkan mosque, rebut assembly2 ,,
What I am worried about if Muslims abstain from the mosque, when the country is led by people who hate Islam then the mosque will be sold one by one for the empty pilgrims in the mosque and Muslims do not care about themselves. religion 😢😢😢
Muslim Youth Must rise up in the ultimate Guard of God ,,
The hope of Islam in youth, if young people do not fight for Islam since then then Islam will lose the name of life 😢😢
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