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RE: Where I Stand On Gun Control - A Canadians Perspective

in #business7 years ago (edited)

I like Ben Shapiro. He's about as honest as it gets. He's lied about climate change. We know it's real. Mountain glaciers are melting, and not all of it is because of the sun. They have lasers that can calculate to what extent CO2 reflects long-wave radiation, back to earth. Although I have all the concerns about carbon taxes, and bankers hijacking environmentalism for their own agenda.

I was university for four years. Back in 2006, they said will user fear to sell books, and will all get rich. I said whatever happened to integrity? You should sell the truth for the sake of the truth, not to push your own agenda. I remember being in a room with about 10 people bragging how they bought an Al Gore ticket for $400. They didn't like me too much. Ben Shapiro is also a fiscal conservative, and that's one of my top priorities. I'm surprise that we don't get more environmentalist supporting conservatives, because sustainability is a conservative principle. If climate change why didn't they develop a a plan to help third world countries stop rapid population growth? Instead they just want endless taxpayers to be born.


Who says they are not trying to stop population growth? You did not read about the Kenya sterilisation of over half a million girls? They used vaccinations to do so, but six catholic bishops became suspicious and send six (one each) vaccinations to a laboratory in Johannesburg, for analysis. They found various heavy metals, insecticide etc in the vaccinations (which cause brain damage), but, the most important, the found a certain chemical used for sterilising animals. The laboratory said it is known that this chemical can also sterilise human beings.

I recently made a post about two person handling the experiments at CDC - it turns out they were responsible for experiments perfomred on Agent Orange (used heavily in Vietnam) and they declared it safe, not harmful to humans or the environment.

Bill gates openly admits the vaccinations will bring the population down to "manageable" levels. He was among the first to visit Trump after he won the election and apparantly warned Trump not to interfere with the vaccinations, or else, next year (2018) a new virus could appear which will kill at least 30 million people. Trump had already appointed Kennedy to investigate CC and vaccinations in general, but he stopped talking about it and has remained silent since then. To pretend a new virus will appear because of people not being vaccinated is stupid kind of logic and only makes sense if you think of it as being a threat.

BTW, did you know that after agent orange was banned, Monsanto was going bankrupt, so, in exchange for a large chunk of shares, Bill Gates handed over to them all his research on creating GMO's?

I consider Gates not only evil, (despite his charming appearances on TV) and because of his high intelligence, one of the most dangerous to the future of mankind, of the cabal. At least India had the sense to ban him and the WHO, after they discovered that they had experimented on 600,000 Indian girls.

We used to say, as a way of proving what we say, go google it. With them now deleting all info against the agenda of the globalist cabal, I cannot say it, but I have downloaded tons of material, if you want it, we can maybe work out a way for me to make it available for you.

EDIT: Enf og 2015, they announced they have vaccinated over 10 million girls in the USA. Not children (boys and girls): just girls.

The Kennedy team found that 80% of black boys are brain damaged to some degree (brown skin kids are more susceptable to damage by the vaccines. If you are an American, know this then: you will have to support tens of millions thrrough taxes, once they grow older.

That's the problem. It's all being done in secret. None of the useful idiots will support ethical policies on population control, such as offering free vasectomies, after someone has a few kids, education, the end of poverty, relationship development.

Mainstream liberals are too worried about political correctness, to even talk about what's going on in Manila, Philippines. Again it gets back to @Texagonia's comment "Who gets to decide?" Well the choice can be the individual, but rather then elite using poison in secreat, it be better to educate third world countries, why it's unsustainable to have 6 or 7 children. Shit's being done in secret, because the average person is too lazy, or too worried to think of good ideas. You got conservative liars saying overpopulation is a myth. Well the world's running out of fish, and the rainforest are more than half whipped out. I don;t want to be taking away peoples freedoms, but future generation might have to ration, just to survive. What's keeping the economy alive is oil, and I don't buy the peak oil myth. I think we're going to run out in a 100 years or so. You're paying a fortune to buy food at the groceries stores, because demand can't keep up with supply.

If you have the time. Here's a 20 minute documentary on overpopulation in the Philippines. There is just not enough resources to get these people out of poverty, if they keep breeding at insane levels. The government is so lazy to figure this shit out, they rather use poison, and possibly chemtrails, which is putting thousands of species at risk for extinction. Maybe they are using poison because they are too stupid to know how to do it ethically. I think the government is corrupt, but don't think they are as smart as people claim. Look at their ineffectiveness to come to consensus after a big conference. Taxpayers pay for all their meeting, and they just see it as a wine & cheese party. No motivation to put pencil to paper, and get shit done. Over-population shouldn't be censored. Conservatives should demand ethical solutions. It would derail their hidden agenda.

When SA lived under apartheid, the ANC told their people to have as many babies as possible, so that the percentage of blacks goes up. It may have been a necessary strategy at the time, but they have run the country for more than 20 years and still refuse to tell their people to cut back. Running out of water and with them now grabbing land from productive farmers, the country will soon be starving.

I want to live forever...but now, I am starting to be glad I am old and don't have many years left. It may be a copout, but I don't want to be a part of the world we have created. As you say, changes could have been brought about humanely, but we are not a humane specie - we only like to think we are.

When SA lived under apartheid, the ANC told their people to have as many babies as possible, so that the percentage of blacks goes up. It may have been a necessary strategy at the time, but they have run the country for more than 20 years and still refuse to tell their people to cut back. Running out of water and with them now grabbing land from productive farmers, the country will soon be starving.

I want to live forever...but now, I am starting to be glad I am old and don't have many years left. It may be a copout, but I don't want to be a part of the world we have created. As you say, changes could have been brought about humanely, but we are not a humane specie - we only like to think we are.

One of my biggest problems, is we live in a generation of mass-narcissism. We're being forced to celebrate degeneracy. You older folks understood how to be classy. You had tasteful music. I didn't get that opportunity in school. I had to learn it the hard way. The youth have been deliberately screwed up. They do everything to promote a culture of narcissism, so people no longer care about the thing's that are important. Get them interested in being shallow to disarm their higher thinking abilities. Rap music was created to weaponize the minds of African Americans so they can get them in prison. If we can get rid of diabolical narcissism, I we can have a chance. The worlds problems can be tackled if we can force everyone to be honest, even if they have a difference of opinion.

If I come back as a human, I want to live as a North American Indian 700 years ago. I want to live in a world without money and technology. Never having to work 9 to 5, and living off the land.

A sad fact: Towards the end of the last century, because of improvements in the economies of African countries, people were having less babies. Studies showed world population will increase to 9 billion, despite less babies being born, due to the increase of the life span. Thereafter the population, after peaking, will shrink - and fairly quickly.

Fifteen years ago, estimated average lifespan was, in the USA (if I recall correctly) at 81 and still growing. Now it is dropping back to 75 and is expected to drop further to about 65 or less (and that is without the depopulation schemes in force).

That directly affects everyone alive now, but nobody seems to give a shit. Shrugging and saying, what can I do, is cowardly and turn people into sheeple.

I've been mad lately. I got 109 followers. I have this kick-ass conversation going. I know a lot of people are reading this, but they don't stop to commit? Every bodies afraid of controversy. Why are the snowflakes afraid of their keyboard? Everybody is so afraid of offending somebody, or posting a comment that might look stupid. So what? It's ridiculous.

Sorry. but you would do better to better to think of your followers as being somewhere between 5 to 10% of the number you see. Most are newbies who have no interest in visiting our posts.

I sometimes wish I could find an app that examines who my followers are and whether they have ever visited my posts (apart form the once-off time, when they followed). Anybody with less than one visit to a post in an entire month, I want them deleted.

I am on Gab, and there I spend half my days posting insulting comments, trying to rile people into thinking for themselves and actually doing something to save themselves. When they post of something that angers them and they make threatening comments, I riicule them for thinking that by making the post they think they have accomplished something, taken a stand that will frighten the globalists...etc. I also try to point out what concrete steps they should take.

Some understand and like me, but some hate me. Guess which ones hate me.

Re visitors: I thought that each time I open a post, I register. I am told that it only registers unique visitors.

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