Never Start A Business On Facebook!

in #business7 years ago (edited)

No facebook.jpg

Facebook was one of the first social media platforms and has been very useful for many years. But There are other Social media platforms just like it, the only thing is that the other platforms have found easier ways to promote businesses.

According to “Facebook has spread like an infectious disease but we are slowly becoming immune to its attractions.” This shows that it was very popular back in 2004 when it was made and it kept increasing its follows every year, but then other companies started catching on and making their own social media platforms. And that is why many people are switching from facebook to Steemit. Steemit allows you to post similar to facebook, and have the same reputation. Only you can earn rewards along the way. And that is where SP steps in. Very few platforms like Steemit have a digital currency involved with it. So basically what i'm trying to tell you is that, Steemit is practically facebook only with rewards and money along the way.

Facebook has also had quite a few easy hacks lately that the facebook corporation has not been able to fix. Now what I say about hacks is, accessing private accounts and information. This is giving facebook a bad reputation because people are scared of getting their private information exposed. It is very rare that this happens but it still is possible and still is something that newbies need to be aware of.

Lastly, facebook has so many younger siblings including instagram, snapchat etc. Which means people are switching over to other social media platforms because of facebook's age. The worst part is that facebook's followers are dropping rapidly, which is like I said before, giving the corporation a bad reputation.

And that is why steemit is becoming so popular lately. Because of the decline in facebook followers there has been an incline in steemit followers. There's so much more freedom with steemit, their are tons of articles, videos, and games you can play. And you get paid to do it!

As you can see facebook ad revenues have been dropping, this is bad because people who are starting businesses on facebook are going to get a very bad surprise in their results.

All in all, if you're looking for a place to start your business then facebook will be a very bad option for you, instead choose steemit!


Welcome to the community. It's true that Facebook is in a decline. They slowed that decline with the acquisition of Instagram but the info mining they use for their advertising is getting ridiculous. It's advantageous from a marketing standpoint but will be all for not if you have all your eggs in the Facebook basket. I see Steemit as one of those platforms that plays the long game with empathy and has the ability to produce real customers and not just a sale. I enjoy your perspective.


Facebook is full of weirdos sometimes. My mom said a dude sent her a pick of his man parts. Gross!

lol true dat

Welcome to steemit community.You will love it

Seriously...who would even do that? I mean sure you can use Facebook to "promote" your business...but I think nobody would dare do that...