Amazon Low Content Book Publishing : Ideas? Thoughts? Experiences? Let's start a community! (Plus Cited Articles Included)

in #business4 years ago

This is my first ever post on steemit, I hope you all find it insightful and maybe we can get a discussion going here?

I have had an idea, to create my own business from scratch. From home. No fake gurus trying to scam me out of my money, no easy roads. Just hard work. And preferably, a creative job. Like making designs for journals, prayerbooks, notepads, etc. I'm also not opposed to the idea of writing how-to books on subjects I am familiar with.


But first, lets back up a little to how I decided on this venture.

I've been flitting around from one idea to the next amidst the throws of the lockdown blues. I think it's fair to say that not only has this pandemic caused grief and loss amongst the world, but my own little world has turned upside down.

You see it's my routine more than anything, I had an unstable (and extremely low paid) job as a carer and made a pittance from selling the odd piece of art now and then and now even that drive has been eradicated. Now when the virus struck, being a carer made me think my job was safe. I couldn't have been more wrong. Not only did more people apply for my agency, but they also had cars and means to get to a client and that meant that in my area, it was tough to get the jobs on a first come-first served basis.

So it got to the point where I was applying for anything I could find and that was darn tough too. The lockdown has caused some low times and deep overthinking even lead to a bit of clarity.

I have been forced to face up to what I really want! I've always been creative and would love to work from home and start building a decent portfolio or business that can support me through these tough times.

So I looked online and saw some run of the mill unsure ways of making money, fake gurus offering extortionate prices for courses that had information that could be found online for free, and other things that actually started to look quite doable.


Then I came across a few articles that were definitely piquing my interest.

Mr. Rob Cubbon says he made a few thousand over a few months from 650 or so, simple notebooks and after researching him further you'll see he's gone more into planners now and that Christmas is the best period to sell such things.

Rachel Harrison-Sund has a good little starter guide on how to create low content books that are good little earners.

I have now followed quite a few tutorials and have started to make graphed, dotted and lined paper in Adobe Indesign to start getting a feel for the software and have download Photoshop too to start my designs for the front covers.

The most appealing thing to me about this small business idea is that I don't need much money to start and can instead invest my time in creating bespoke designs and researching ideas for niches, and at this time in my life I have those two components, little cash and lots of time!

Now I ain't expecting to become a millionaire, but from what I've read and reports I've seen, I'd be happy to just make a decent wage every month doing what I enjoy creatively.

Has anyone else done this before? Does anyone want to try this with me and we can share our progress together? It would be great to start a little community here with genuine ideas in regards to working from home.

I would love to hear your stories and thoughts!

Cubbon, R., 2020. How To Sell Notebooks And Low Content Paperback Books On Amazon KDP. [online] Build an Online Business Brand with Personal Freedom | Rob Cubbon. Available at: [Accessed 30 June 2020].

Harrison-Sund, R., 2020. How To Make Six Figures Publishing Low-Content Books. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 June 2020].

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