Just Relax – It’s The Only Way To Kill The Stress Monster

in #business6 years ago

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Let’s face it, the work environment is a stressful one. Some people are difficult, others unreasonable, and the workload and deadlines are always there to throw another bone of stressful contention into the mix. Like it or not, the average working person has a lot of stressful stuff to contend with, no matter what job they have.

Of course, we all hope that one day these will all disappear and our stress levels will magically drop to zero, but let’s get real: it’s not going to happen unless we actually do something about it! If you’re feeling restless, overwhelmed, irritable, or even having angry outbursts while retreating into your own little cocoon of misery, then you’re probably stressed out.

If you’ve got unhealthy coping mechanisms – which we all do – you likely also smoke, eat a little too much, neglect your diet and exercise, and drink a little more than your health would like. It’s a toxic cocktail that pulls you even further down. Get too far into it, and it may even feel like you’ve been backed up into a corner with no way out.

Therefore, it’s 100% clear that we ALL need to be more responsible when it comes to limiting our exposure to stress. Not just for ourselves, but also others we work with. But how can you remain relaxed when the situation is screaming for you to lose it?

Well, it takes a lot of practice, but if you stick at it, it will develop as time goes by. Just like the great Zen masters are constantly reminding all of us, it all begins with knowing and noticing the stress point and then – somehow – letting it float by as little more than a neutral observation.

By which they mean just start breathing. For many people, this can feel like a lame cop out. After all, we breathe every day without thinking about it – but that’s the point. If you control your breathing, you can control your stress. When you get stressed, your breath ges shallower, releasing cortisol – a stress increasing chemical – into your brain, putting you into the fight or flight mood. In turn, your judgement gets that little bit worse, you feel more tired, and your thinking is clouded.

Better to stop, find a quiet place, and breathe normally, or slowly, for a few minutes. You’ll find that this helps to stop that train crash before it happens, and also get a time out that you need to really relax and consider the stressful issue with your full faculties.

Most of all, you need to focus on your thoughts and keep them in the moment. Unless you’re being clawed to death by a bear or in a similarly traumatic moment of the now, you’re likely not really having anything happen. So, focus on how calming the present moment is with nobody around you. Don’t think about the thing that is stressing you out. Just breathe.

For more general stress relaxation, you shouldn’t skip on exercise. Movement increases bloodflow and makes you feel better. Listen to your favorite music – hell, maybe even dance a little when nobody’s looking.

Most importantly of all, take your breaks seriously. Don’t use them all up thinking of work and on social media. Unplug and reconnect with your friends, nature, and things you enjoy. Stress can be hard to conquer, but if you try to relax, you’ll find that everything just feels easier, better, and well… less stressful!

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