Become An Awesome Speaker
One skill of marketing that a lot of us don’t first think of is public speaking. The fact is that if you want to send your business into hyperdrive, then you need to be able to deliver good speeches via webinars and marketing videos that get peoples attention and interested – and that’s not going to happen if you’re a mumble-monster who ums and ahs the whole time.
So, what can you do? As it turns out, there’s an app for that called Orai, which is basically a coach that trains you to become a confident public speaker. I can’t begin to stress how awesome this is, so you should go and download it right now!
So, why learn public speaking if 90% of your business is at the computer screen using the written word? The main point is to be able to confidently deliver pitches and ideas to people when you need to. For example, one day you might like to branch out into helping local businesses get online.
That’s a fantastic goal to have, but that local-ness means more visibility, which means you need to get out there and see in your local business community as a leader and all-round expert in your chosen field.
I don’t need to tell you how badly people can bomb on the podium and what that makes people think – so having a confident voice and comfortable stage presence is a skill that you need to learn (it’s also a talent, but unlike becoming a concert pianist, gaining this skill is a lot easier than you think!)
Get orai today and let it train you – it’s a simple app with a great approach, and it will help you to go the extra professional mile. What’s not to like?