Fortune 500 & The Unappreciated Hired Help

I was talking with a knowledgeable young man named Ricky, who brought a rather interesting topic to mind. He wanted me to do a article about highly-prominent fortune 500 companies, and it's NOT going to be about how much profit these financial based brands earn annually. Nope, instead he wanted to know will there ever be more appreciation shown by these giant brand name companies to the people who make it possible everyday for them to continue to achieve success, that's right you guessed it, I'm talking about their hardworking employees.
I'm going to lay out a few circumstances (don't worry I will be throwing in the abusive factor as that employees face on a daily basis while on the job), the bulls--t they take from their bosses, even the customers who employees MUST serve diligently or else, they'll tell your boss something really bad about your service performance which could lead to you getting.. FIRED!!
So Away we go to point out a few things employee want changed while working at a prominent high-standard company.

One of the first things on the mind of any employee is worrying about fitting into a completely new working environment of a high-standard, well-known, established company that serves vast sections of the consumer economy takes the effort of a work force. Many novice workers at Fortune 500 Companies, could very well feel out of place at day 1. With any new employment of a new member will require the individual to make a series of adjustments in order to function within a structured work environment. The fast paced work flow and made decisions within a Fortune 500 company, weighs heavy toward it's overall agenda, and favors less towards the needs of its employees (even new employees are pretty much thrown to the wolves, and MUST quickly adjust to the work program of these major companies, or get pushed aside for the next applicate ready to take their position.) Basically it comes down to the newly hired employee at the end of the day, the decision for them will be either a Flee or Fight which means either -- quit and runaway or stand your ground as you take on the new responsibilities like a rock star!

This is nothing new when working for high-prominent businesses. The driving force for any business institution are the workers who put in countless hours, days, and years of their precious time to help companies growth to continue to prosper to macro proportions. Given the fact that this is a noble service for the employee to be part of the company's history in success. What about the success and the advancement of the employees who are taken advantage of when it comes down to review time for a raise. There's usually excuses that these companies are prepared to throw out there and hope their employees are stupid enough to accept being told half-truth's, when they should come out direct with their intentions. LOL, we know what happens if they choose that route of course they're met with..
- calls from the labor board enforcing employers to practice fair opportunities for each of its employees.
- employees may be prompted to stage a strike if their demands are NOT met.
- the company can threaten to fire workers who stage strikes, however they may give in to the demand of workers if a large portion of their workforce favors the notion for strike (this is done through employees signing a petition in mass numbers which forces the compliance of the employer meet their demands, which involves anything dealing with pay, better working conditions, even better holiday incentives.)
And this is where I ask him..
"So what about your co-workers?"
"Do they feel the same way you do about the current employer they're working for?"
He replied yes they do. And he says they are now talking strike if the conditions of our wants and needs doesn't change soon.
"So if your employer honors the needs of you and your co-workers', would you guys be contempt and ready to work hard achieving better results for the company?"
He replies.
"That's a DEFINITE!"

Just because a company doesn't fall into the "Fortune 500 category", does not mean the same concepts will not apply when to a mediocre business brand. Employers take the same basic concepts when it comes to benefit packages, annual performance reviews which determines wage increases, and advancements of the employee(s) within the company, to higher positions. One of the major problems that Ricky had was this area of the company he's currently employed, he feels unappreciated for the VERY hard work that he does for his employer.
And this is where I ask him..
"How long have you been working at your job?"
"Eight years, and I only got four annual raises."
"Whoa! Really?"
"Yes it's true, and that's why the workers here have had enough. This company does well from the annual financial reports every year. Me and other co-workers want to know why are they holding back on our wage increases, health benefits, even so-called openings for better paying positions are supposedly available, and can be applied for once you put in a request form to try for the position you want."
"Have you filled out forms for these job openings?"
"Yes, quite a few times. But I never have gotten any responses back after applying. And the next thing I know, the position was given to someone else -- WITHOUT EVEN A NOTICE. It's as if certain people are chosen for the position only, while everybody else just gets bushed aside."
After hearing his side of the story, I came to the conclusion that Ricky sounds like he's REALLY fed up, and chances are he (as well as other the employees), are tempted to seek employment elsewhere to get what they feel they truly deserve.

Ricky seems like he's ready to take his talents to another 500 competitor company. The time served with his current employer, has given him the confidence he needs to move on another avenue in his field of market advertising. I wanted him to spill the beans of what 500 company he is currently employed with, but he wishes for that to remain anonymous.
He did say he's thinking about checking into two interesting marketing competitors:
1. Mosaic North America

2. Marketing Instincts, Inc.

He's already did some background research on Marketing Instincts, Inc., on the net, and has already contacted their human resource department for further information that will be sent to him (via) email. He says he gonna wait until he checks out Mosaic North America, and from there decide between the two that provides him the best alternative. Marketing Instincts he says pays out more for annual wage increases which is one of main incentives he was looking for in the marketing advertisement company (for 8 years), he's now trying to make a transition from.
He did admit that it was worrisome for him to make the decision to break away for his job now, to find something better. But then he said to himself..
"If I don't do this now, then it's NEVER gonna happen for me later."


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