When you own a business there are no days off, no holidays!!
Even though your business may be closed for the day you, or you do not officially work at your business that day. You are still thinking and planning your next strategic move to get paid. to secure the financial future for your family. There is not a day that goes by that your mind is not thinking of your business in some way or form. If you love your business you are always focusing, planning, plotting, thinking, and/or conceiving new ideas to take your business to the next level. If you do not love your business, and do none of the above it will not succeed.

Reason being, when you think of your business as a job, it will always be a job and you will never prosper. However when you think of your business as your business, you are always thinking of how to make it grow and be more successful than it already is. It is a never ending wave of thoughts conceived and shared among your family, your corporate partners and/or staff. It is the life blood of your business, if you do not keep it going it will not survive. Evolution and growth is necessary for every business to thrive like all facets of life.
Case in point: I love my photography and being in the glades since that is my escape from stress. However that does not pay my bills nor feed my family, so our business and product brands are our top priority. Sure I may make some money from my photography, but that is not my business nor do I ever want it to be my business. That is merely something I love to do which I do on the side for my own spiritual happiness. In truth I believe that if my photography became a true business, it would distract me from my journey and from that which allows me to prosper greatly. I prefer to simply have fun with and enjoy any fringe benefits that may come my way.
That is my reality of things, I do not live in a fantasy world. Life is about building, creating, making, manifesting with hard work, sweat and tears a foundation, a structure, a business, an empire for your family's future. Hobbies are hobbies which sometimes get you paid, but in the end it takes more than passion to turn them into a fortified business.
It takes a lot of money, a lot of hard work, dedication and above all else self sacrifice to build a business and even more so to keep it afloat. However if you have what it takes and you truly wished to work extremely hard to make that dream a reality, it will become that. Dreams can come true but only if your struggle, fight and give it a 120%. As I always a day a dream is but a dream and will be nothing more unless you act with faith and hard work to make that dream a reality.
Your business is your life and NEVER your job, so mind your business because no one else will like you.
Sincerely, George Mercado