Who are you, "Eagle" or "duck"? Reply in a post

in #business7 years ago

Hello, I will introduce you the work of Bode Schaefer about the types of proactive thinking "Eagles and Ducks".

According to one Indian legend of the creation of the world, the Most High first created a shell and lowered it to the bottom of the sea.

There the shell did not live an interesting life. She did not have to do anything other than to open the shell, drink some sea water and close it again. Day after day the shell only opened and closed,

Opened and closed the shell ..

Then the Almighty created the eagle and gave him freedom of flight and the ability to reach the highest peaks. But the eagle had to pay for freedom: every day he had to fight for the prey. Nothing itself fell into his arms. When he had chicks, in order to get enough feed for them,

He had to hunt all day. But the eagle paid this price with joy. Finally, the Most High created man and first led him to the shell, and then to the eagle and asked what kind of life he chooses.

Two ways of life.

You can choose from two ways of life. The shell symbolizes those people who are not able to expand their horizons. The price of this is,

That during their life they often have to do the same thing. Napoleon Hill said: "There are people who die early because they eat a lot, but others - because they have no other business."

"But this is a simple decision," you will say. 

Naturally, each person should choose the fate of the eagle. But it happens, many decide so,

That they do not need neither the life of the eagle nor the life of the shell. They want to take advantage of the life of the eagle, but do not want to pay for it. Therefore, they are looking for a bird that meets their expectations. And finally find it - it's a duck.


 If you look superficially at things, then the duck is like an eagle. In reality, however,

We are talking about two completely different birds. If you know what you need to pay attention to, then immediately distinguish a duck. Both birds can fly. But while the eagle soars high, the duck flies near the water.

The most noticeable characteristic of a duck is its quacking. In the morning, when he wakes up, he quips. If you want to eat, quacks. If something is unhappy, quacks.

If other ducks take food from her, quacks. If it does not reach the set result, quacks.

Quacking instead of doing it is a bad concept....

Ducks in work

Consider several examples in which the character of the duck is clearly distinguishable. Did you ever go to the hotel restaurant 15 minutes after the event,

How did the breakfast officially end? If you meet with a duck, you will hear: "I'm sorry, but you were late. Did not you see the sign from the outside? We serve breakfast until ten o'clock." Krya-krya-krya ... "

The eagle, on the contrary, will say: "Unfortunately, we have already removed the buffet, are there any preparations in the kitchen for you?" What do you want?"

Do you know the building materials store? In an area of ​​5,000 square meters, the only seller is occupied by another buyer. Most often, one that wants to build a skyscraper. What happens if you politely intervene: "Excuse me, I have only one question, where to buy brown paint?". In this case, the duck will respond like this: "Do not you see,

That I serve the client? I can only work with one buyer! Wait until I finish. Krya-krya-krya ... "

A few months ago I wanted to live in one of Atlanta's hotels. The place was booked and the hotel confirmed it. When I went to the counter, the administrator said that the reservation, unfortunately, is not valid,

But the hotel is crowded. With this she left me. I insisted on my rights. But the only thing that the administrator was able to say: "If the hotel is full, it means complete." I can not create a room for you. "Krya-krya-krya ..". Then she did not do me. Yeah, I thought, it's a duck. Therefore, I said that I want to talk to my boss.

She answered indifferently: "He will say the same thing." With these words, the administrator wanted to disappear behind the door. Surely there was a duck outside this door, and she would return with another duck.

I asked her to call the eagle. "Someone" - she asked. I explained to her: "Call someone who does not know beforehand that nothing will turn out.

She already understood that. The manager who was hurrying to me was really an eagle and said: "Indeed, the hotel is overcrowded, we made a mistake, I'm sorry. I would like to find the right solution as soon as possible. I will immediately call to find a hotel of the same level with apartments for We will certainly pay the difference in cost.

Can I call you to our restaurant while we call? "

Eagles and ducks. Differences

Do you recognize the eagle? The eagle acts as the duck quacks. Her quacking consists of continuous excuses, explanations, senseless chatter, grumbling and trampling on the spot. Ducks will be fired one day.

They are the first to be sacrificed in a crisis.

And then she will say: "What injustice! Probably my face did not please the boss." And the eagles are promoted. It is important not to be a duck and not to quack instead of trying to achieve results. And in the department, company or group, avoid ducks!

There are those who believe that ducks can also be motivated. But you know,

What will happen then from the duck? A motivated duck.

Here are some differences between ducks and eagles:

  • Ducks say: "I can not afford it!" Eagles ask: "What to do to afford it?"
  • Ducks are pessimists, and eagles are optimists.
  • Ducks tell each other negative impressions. To this end, even arrange duck meetings
  • Eagles mostly talk about positive things.
  • Ducks do only compulsory, necessary and often even do not. The eagles will pass and the next in the last mile. Do more than expected from them.
  • Ducks work slowly, their motto: "I'm at work, not on the run." Eagles all perform as quickly as possible.
  • Ducks know everything better than others and will always find a reason not to do anything. Orlov can be trained, they just do everything they need.
  • Ducks are looking for excuses, and eagles are solutions.
  • Ducks do not take any risk. Eagles are sometimes afraid, but still act. They are brave.
  • Ducks work from 10 am to 6 pm. And the eagles -Often from 6am to 10pm.
  • Ducks in every opportunity are looking for a problem. Eagles are finding in challenges opportunities.
  • Ducks badly speak about the absent, while they seem to be the best. Eagles say positive things and are silent.
  • Ducks need time to make a decision, but they can change their mind quickly.
  • Eagles quickly make decisions because their values ​​are clean and they trust their intuition.
  • Ducks focus on difficulties and quack. Eagles focus on decisions and act.
  • Duck shower for many years remembers that injustice, from which it suffered. The eagle forgives.
  • Ducks wait to be fed, and if they do not get enough,
  • Quacking. Eagles take responsibility and get themselves what they want.
  • Ducks have to love what they have. Eagles create for themselves what they want.
  • Ducks are excited from every little thing, because they feel that they are living at the same time. Eagles do not take themselves too seriously.
  • For ducks, the whole world consists of one small puddle.
  • Eagles reach the highest peaks.
  • Ducks criticize the circumstances. Eagles change them.

The difference in the upbringing of their chicks

What do ducklings learn from adult ducks? How to quack. Eagles, on the contrary, put forward demands for others.

Have ever watched how eagles teach the lives of their chicks? Parents-eagles first remove the soft flooring,

Which laid the nest. Just throw it to the ground. Then throw the grass. The nest becomes less comfortable. One small branch is slowly removed one by one.

The chicks sit awkwardly on the hard branches. Soon notice that it is uncomfortable and begin to try the wings. If any chick is too cowardly, the parents will throw it out of the nest.

If the chick does not open its wings when it falls, the parents fly under it and return it to the nest. But only in order to throw it away again. This continues until he learns to fly. Next to the eagle, the rest should grow.

Eagles do not suffer trampling on the spot and laziness. They put forward high demands on others. Eagles require peace,

Therefore they influence others and are leading personalities. They are interested in life, people around them. They want to act, cause positive changes.

Apparently, this is the reason why the eagles are so respected, why we see their images on the arms. We gladly choose an eagle as an example.

The winners live like eagles.

source: http://www.catalog-wise.ru/orly-i-utki

images from screenshots for video

Thank you for your attention. 


Even my user name here translated its Duckling , i have nothing to do with the sayd above :) Very good post , i love it !

Your name means "duckling". Lovely coincidence !. But yes, I'm sure you do not have anything to do with Bodo Scheer's metaphor about "Ducks and Eagles"! You are an eagle by name - "duckling!".

I love this post it is inspiring! Following

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