Dear Diary - My First Bushwalk
Dear Diary,
My younger daughter wanted to write a post about her first bushwalk excursion.
On Thursday Year Six went on a Bushwalk.
They were not allowed to take mobile phones so we took photos of everyone getting on the bus and leaving.
During the day they had many activities, from a big swing, to climbing on walls made out of plastic crates, hoolahoop competitions, log swings, walking across a bridge made of ropes and many more things.
When she came home we had a BBQ and then we taught our younger brother how to ride a bike.
My daughter fell asleep that night as soon as she laid her head on the pillow.
Here is the day in photos.
I hope you liked this post, it was originally written by my daughter and the photos were all taken by me. I post for my children.
Thank you for reading.