Exploration-s23w1 /Knots


My experience in tying knots

If I talk about my personal experience in tying knots then yes in my daily life the knot that I tie most is square knot because in daily life for packages and for keeping the bundles secure I need to tie this knot as well as this is most easy for me to execute.

Overhand knot is another one that I tie everyday when I wear shoes because this is used for securing shoe laces as well as lops don't fray with this knot type so with both I have a good experience.

Parts of a string


Firm or Rope

If I talk about firm, string or cord then it's a rope with considering its thickness or length.

Whip point or cape

If I talk about whip point or cape then it is considered as both ends of rope or string.


If I talk about breast then this is basically part of rope that protrude or seems prominent from mid of string.


If I talk about Gaza then this is loop present in centre or mid of string or rope.


If I talk about nude then it's a joint among two strings which which seems difficult in untying when it gets tights.

Video description of three knots

Flat curl knot

If I talk about execution of flat curl knot then you should follow following steps;

• Move right over left by crossing process and after it move left over right.
• Now you should pas right tip beneath left ones.
• Repeat second step at other side and now flat curl knot execution is done.

Ballestrinque knot

If I talk about execution of ballestrinque knot then you should follow following steps;

• You have to first loop rope around any object which is in solid form.
• Now pass rope over itself by crossing process.
• Through loop you need to thread end.
• Pull it for getting it in tight form.


Guide ace knot

• Make a loop simply.
• Now you have to pass free end at behind loop.
• Pass end inside loop which is free.
• Pull it tightly for exact and complete execution.


Knots uses in life

In daily life I use these three knots in following way!

• If I talk about flat curl knot use in daily life then yes it exists whenever I tie my shoe laces and when I adjust straps at my shirt or clothing.


• If I talk about ballestrinque knot then in home settings like for curtains hanging as well as in tying trash bags I use this knot.


• If I talk about guide ace knot then as I have my furniture factory then there for securing cords to furniture this knot have use but I myself don't use it frequently.


What's easy or hard and what's reason?

If I talk about my personal experience with flat curl knot then it was easiest for me in tying because it was all about just crossing and wrapping motions in execution while guide ace was also average for me and I don't take much time in understanding it and while it's execution but ballestrinque knot was challenging for me to learn so it's hardest because a lot of looping and threading I done there.

Mistakes and how to avoid

I have not done or made any mistake during execution of any of three knots because I practiced all of them for 30 minutes and then I was perfect to make and share a video of their execution!

Common mistakes

• To rush in tying process.
• Not taking care that how much rope is organized.
• To use wrong type of knot that can be untie easily.
• To don't leave enough tail because doing this can cause knot to reopen easily.
• To pull knot much tightly which can be damaging for rope even too.
• To don't test knot that either it is particularly useful for particular purpose or not.
• To use already damaged cords which detoriate cord after knot execution.
• To don't consider weight while execution of particular knot type.

Tips need to avoid these mistakes

• Give proper timing if you tie knots by practicing.
• Understand that which cord have which properties so that according you may try knot execution because each cord or string have different strength and resistance levels.
• Leave proper tail so that in case of making any adjustment you don't fail any problem.
• Pull knot in a snugly way, not with a jerk or much tightly.
• Focus on testing that is your execution is proper or not.
• Take care of weight if you choose a knot
• Consider using lubricants so that friction may reduce as friction can damage rope.

I want to invite @dexsyluz,@ngoenyi,@suboohi


wah kamu ternyata punya semangat belajar yang tinggi dan mau berusaha dalam membuat tantangan ini, smoga beruntung sobat...


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