The Diary Game: 11 August 2023 - Drawing What I Ate Yesterday

in #burnsteem2511 months ago

Hi again ! :)

I'm doing more diary game / food in a day posts !!!

I'm trying to adjust my style to fit food drawings, I usually draw people and faces in my own time so I want to be able to practice and improve fun / looser ways to draw food!

At some point I'd like to do a post where I draw my favourite foods!!!

Here's what I had for breakfast:



I've been having a lot less coffee over the last month or two, I definitely feel alright without it- but I do like to treat myself to it every so often :D So I had some nice, hot coffee to wake me up!

I then had an Actimel, which is a probiotic yoghurt drink! I love having these kinds of drinks! I think my favourite are Yakult though, maybe I'll do some Yakult fanart for fun hehehe. (not sponsored, thought I'd mention just incase!)

I also had a banana and orange for breakfast too, I like to have my fruit for breakfast because I really love fruit! I'm not sure which fruit is my favourite to be honest- maybe lychees? Or avocados! (Yes! They are a fruit).

Here's what I had for lunch:


I haven't been cooking much recently as I'm usually quite tired, so I ate some microwave mac and cheese (value brand from co-op!) which was tasty! I don't really notice much of a difference between different mac and cheese from different brands to be honest, this one was nice though! It wasn't overloaded with runny sauce which I appreciate! :) I had some cherry tomatoes from the garden too!

Here's what I had for dinner:


For dinner I had some noodles with a bit of miso soup bad and some peas! It was a bit simple, but I prefer having more for lunch and a bit less for dinner :) I'm recently gotten really into miso soup!!! I prefer the packets that have the soup base with the tofu and greenery inside rather than sachets that only contain the soup base.

For my drink I had some lemonade with ice cubes as it's been SUPER hot lately and I don't like the heat at all, so this helped me cool down a lot!

Thank you for reading :) I'll be sure to post (hopefully) everyday!

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