Important legal Information for everyone going to Burning Man to Be Aware of:
This is important stuff - particularly for those friends who are coming to BRC from overseas but not just them because a lot of people do not know this):
remember - an officer can stop you and search you for any reason at any time - as to whether or not that search was LEGAL will be determined by a judge. Never resist an officer, or threaten an officer, or even touch an officer. but always actively assert your rights verbally.
4 things to remember to say:
- Officer, I know my rights and I do not consent to being searched.
- Officer, am I free to go?
- Officer, I know my rights and I do not wish to answer any of your questions.
And, if you are arrested: - I would like to speak to an attorney.
other than that, anything you say can and will be used against you, even if you have not been arrested and/or read your Miranda rights. you have nothing to gain from talking to an officer, but everything to lose. you have to actively assert your rights, the police won't just give them to you. most police encounters are video recorded these days, which can go a long way to protecting you from a cop who tries to commit perjury. most cops will respect your request if you assert your rights.
finally, as difficult as it is sometimes, remember that behind the uniform and badge is a human being. not all cops are assholes, and even if they are, they will still respond to you better if you treat them like a human being. you can assert your rights without being a jerk. a little kindness may go a long way in a police encounter. (clearly I need to remember this more than anyone...)PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO AS WELL:
They sure can stop you, but if it was LEGAL will be determined later. :(