in #burdock7 years ago

(Excerpt from an interview with the monastic herbalist Elena Fyodorovna Zaitseva.)
We keep potatoes, but we throw out the weeds. And they are more valuable than potatoes.
No weeds can not be thrown away!
A day will come for every person when he needs not a potato, but a cure.
All the weeds are healed! All these hard-toothed weeds claim their necessity for all life on earth.
I always say: "Do not want anything to hurt - dig yourself three roots - burdock, couch grass and dandelion." From these roots you will make a collection and drink it. I collect 25 roots for myself, but you can not collect everything, it will be enough and three.
🎾 The pike is a malicious weed that the Lord gives us literally under our feet for our treatment.
There is no garden so that it does not grow. There is not a single disease that he does not treat, from the eyes and ending with oncology.
They cure all wild animals, cats and dogs.
For a person, it is invaluable in that it repairs the disturbed metabolism.
Infusion and decoction of rhizomes are used for dropsy, edema of various origins, cystitis, urinary incontinence, kidney stones and gall bladder, all lung diseases, kidneys, chronic bronchitis, intestinal diseases, diabetes, hypertension.
The roots of couch grass are used as an analgesic for gout, rheumatism, lumbago, various arthritis
Juice and decoction of a fresh plant can be taken during the summer, it helps well with partial loss of vision.
The root of wheatgrass cures osteochondrosis, ovarian dysfunction in women, pulmonary tuberculosis, exudative diathesis, furunculosis. There are no contraindications to his admission.
From the roots of wheatgrass we milled flour and baked bread. It is more useful and tastier than wheat. You can make porridge and coffee from it. In the hungry years, he helps everyone.
🎾 The dandelion root is also a weed.
In early spring, you must collect the leaves of a dandelion, soak them in salt water for two hours, so that the bitterness goes away, and make a salad. From his leaves we cooked soup, and roasted roots.
The dandelion root treats malignant anemia, stomach and liver cancer, lymph node inflammation, diathesis, deforming arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, all joints.
In the autumn, if you see a dandelion that did not bloom and did not give all the strength to bloom, dig it out.
🎾 Burdock - "academician"
I once read a lecture and said: "There is such an academician who treats all diseases. The academician-mug sits in the ground and waits, when its person will take and will be treated by it "
Now people are almost all sick. Cancer simply mows people. A burdock treats all oncological diseases. Treats diabetes, bronchitis, sinusitis, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis, fracture of bones, intervertebral hernia, atherosclerosis, ear diseases, chronic coronary insufficiency.
Burdock heals the hepatitis!
In Moscow, many people, especially men, are ill with hepatitis. Even persistent hepatitis C is cured by a burdock without a trace. After two or three months of treatment there is no hepatitis. Burdock root heals liver tumors and even cirrhosis! He treats cholecystitis, kidney disease, heaps stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.
He treats all skin diseases: burns, bedsores, eczema, trophic ulcers, hair loss, purulent wounds, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus and so on. No one can treat all skin diseases, but he can!
During the flu epidemic, people flee to the doctors, they prescribe antibiotics. And the root of the mug treats the flu, takes off the temperature.
In the war we did not have shoes. It's already frosty, but we all go barefoot. Sometimes they cooled down, the temperature rose. Mama will give us a burdock root and linden flowers, it will heat us up. We will sweat, and we have no temperature.
Burdock root heals paralysis! No one ever cured paralysis. And he heals.
We from these roots baked bread, boiled porridge, made refuellings.
From the young leaves of burdock soup and salads were prepared. The root itself was roasted, baked, made of coffee. When people treat me to a coffee visit, I drink and I think: Is this coffee? Coffee should be made from the roots of chicory, burdock and wheat grass. Mom cooked such coffee - it was simply unmatched!
In my practice there was a case: I treated one priest in Sergiev Posad, who had large hernias of the spine. He had to undergo surgery for medical luminaries in Moscow. I said to him: "Let your luminaries wait one month." He drank a tincture of roots, a month later I saw him: from the car comes to me freely and says: "I do not have any hernias!"
🎾 Root Brewing Rule

  • How to prepare the medicine from the roots?
  • The most valuable roots - in the early spring, but they can also be digged in the fall. Burdock is a two-year plant. It is necessary to dig a one-year burdock, in which young leaves
  • this root is very strong. A burdock with dry leaves and burrs is already useless, he gave all his strength to bloom. He can collect repeas, insist and rinse the sick teeth
  • relieve the pain.
    Roots to dig up, wash, dry.
    The root of the burdock is thick, so it must be cut.
    Pour one tablespoon of dry ground roots with two glasses of boiling water. Boil ten minutes. Two hours to insist. Strain and drink half a cup three times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals.
    When you drink curative infusion before eating, his blood immediately absorbs and carries throughout the body.
    You can drink the roots of burdock, wheat grass and dandelion in equal proportions or one root: a week - a burdock, a week - a dandelion, a week - wheat grass.
    ❗ Before use, consult a specialist

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