[ Bumper Update ] - Experiencing some technical difficulties.
A Bumper Update
Hey everyone. You probably have noticed yesterday no wallet memo in return once buying an upvote. Let me quickly update you guys whats going on.
I am running windows 10 on as well my main PC as my server and the last windows update has some mayor issues.
Currently i am unable to save files to my pc and open / handle the sqlite database.
If you want more info about the current windows update problems visit this link
What is next ?
Currently i am re-installing the server pc and reverting it to windows 7. I hope that once i have win7 installed the service should stop acting up.
For those that send in a request yesterday and you've got no response back, i will manually update in the database once the server is back up and running again.
Need help or more info

This new server will be a combined social hub for multiple Discord servers. Instead of having 10s of different servers members have to switch through, we are making 1 server thats hosts 10s of servers and services.
If you have a Discord server and you would like to be part of a bigger goal you can contact us.
Join our Discord and ask for @gyzimo#5057 or @bitcoinparadise#5971
Was my last transfer not accounted for? I still haven't received anything in return.
@davidblackwell You are on the pre-order list now.
Our OS crashed due to a faulty windows update.
We have manually inserted your link now
Does this mean that your last OS crashed???
yeah @peterjacob not just the OS haha.
But this issue was a difficult one.
Windows had a faulty update but it seemed also
that NodeJs v10 doesn't support SQLite anymore.
Took me some time to figure that out i thought
it was part of the windows problems at first xD
but we have it fixed now ;)
Thanks to God, more grease to your elbow Boss...
Haha yeah you can say that xD
U could also upvote my comments along side yours
I like your service very much
I still waiting
@merajalirudro i am glad you like the service buddy ;)
And you have got your votes !
Hey. Hoping for a mutual subscription and upvote. I'm developing bots. Is the finished product: auto promoute in steem1t, bot inviter for telegram. Subscribe to mee
I sent this:
2 days ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to bumper https://steemit.com/steemsilvergold/@ronaldoavelino/74-copper-rounds
It wasn't upvoted yesterday, but today you upvoted the following: yesterday Transfer 0.500 SBD to bumper https://steemit.com/steemsilvergold/@ronaldoavelino/75-usd1-canadian-commemoratives-part-8
I know you are having problems. This is just to warn you that you missed an upvote.
This Blog has received a vote from us already.
This Blog is currently on the pre-order list waiting for an upvote.
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