Why would I use CLC (cellular concrete for construction) ?

in #building7 years ago

  Simply the answer is one of these: Lightweight – Highly Flowable – Inexpensive Fill – Geotechnically Structural Cellular concrete has remarkable properties. Designers/Owners that understand the benefits of a lightweight, extremely strong product, that is poured into place and is relatively inexpensive, reap huge benefits. The cost and time savings for their projects can be huge. For example Cellular Concrete used as a lightweight fill to reduce settlement can be performed for about the same cost as sur-charging in only a tiny fraction of the time with no impact on adjacent structures. Properties of Cellular Concrete  

  • Low Density/Lightweight – Do you      have surcharging on your project? Is settlement anticipated? Adjacent      structures? Is this a design build and loads are a concern in the design?      If so then this product can help. Simply you can save many months of      waiting time over surcharging with technically the exact same      solution/Factor of safety for the final property owner. The months saved      on your manage-ment is enough to justify evaluating this option. Load      Balancing is the term used to describe the removal of heavy existing soils      and replacement with lightweight fills to “balance” the weight of the new      construction. Simply no new weight, no settlement!!
  • Cellular Foam Concrete has High      Load Bearing Capacity – Lightweight, yet stronger than soils or compacted      fills. When placed beneath structures, typically for load reduction you      can then also redesign your foundation for a dramatically stronger      subgrade that is non-expansive.
  • Permeable and Non-Permeable –      Cellular Foam Concrete is more flexible and helps to solve specific      construction challenges by choosing either the permeable or non-permeable      options.
  • Easily Pumpable – High air content      makes Cellular Foam Concrete easy to pump long distances at low pressures.      The air bubbles act like ball-bearings in the mix. This sounds nice but      the real benefit is to avoid excavating additional access pits to fill the      pipe. When used for pipeline fills the lengths can easily extend thousands      of feet. The cost of cellular concrete is typically less than the cost of      a ready mix product and the cellular price includes installation. Most      ready mix products see extreme pressures when pushed more than 200’ and      care should be taken when using these products for pipeline fills.
  • Highly Flowable – Self-leveling      and will flow into and fill any void. This reduces/eliminates and      discussion of compaction. The in-spector typically just takes a sample,      watches for a few minutes and takes off.
  • No Compaction needed – No      compaction is necessary when using Cellular Concrete. Reducing the cost of      inspection if the contract has the contractor performing the QC.
  • Insulating Properties – Cellular      Foam Concrete provides good to great insulation qualities. Does the      pipeline have an insulated a layer increasing the cost of the pipe. Then      check out insulated backfill instead, good for hot or cold. Since you are      already backfilling the inexpensive price of cellular backfill (depending      on the quantity) may provide the same properties and a benefit to the      installer.
  • Absorbs Energy- – As cellular      concrete is crushed during impact, resistance increases and kinetic energy      is absorbed.

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