RE: Buddhism: Learning How to Drop Aversion and Be in Grace
Yes, sharing what we know does help us embody it even more ('teach what you need to learn'). The money would be great but the system seems a bit nuts to me as a newbie & I once I learned enough, not to understand, but to get the jist of what's going on, I was like, "Ohhh, ya, that's not for me!" - but ultimately decided that with writers like you, and mistermercury, for just two examples, it was worth just coming around and checking things out sometimes. I won't be here every day I doubt and who knows what may evolve but for right now, I decided not to expect anything and just enjoy what I like about it. If I earn something somehow in the process, great! I had to adjust my hopes and interest on a financial level before deciding to participate. I do find the system tedious for posting (especially images and that sort of thing is NOT my forte already). I'd share more if it was more efficient. I recognize it's a new and ever changing (maybe even improving?) platform. Glad I found you, thanks, Soulsistshakti :)
I've been on here for nearly 2 years and I'm making money on those old articles...stay in it for the long haul! :)