Buddha at a glance.

in #buddha4 years ago

Buddha at a glance :

Out of other purnimas(the nights with full moon), this purnima has its own significant value. On this purnima a prince of the Sankhya cult named "Siddhartha" was born. Also in this purnima Siddhartha(became a monk) got enlightenment, became Buddha(one who attained bodhi/wisdom) after maintaining austerity for a long period of time. Unbelievable but true, at the age of eighty years on this same purnima Goutama Buddha left his body.

According to Dashavatara, he is also known as the ninth incarnation of lord Vishnu. His teachings, techniques, findings and discoveries collaborately gave birth to a new theological term known as "Buddhism", based on AHIMSHA(non violence), PEACE, KNOWLEDGE and MEDITATION. At the time of Buddha, Buddhism was followed and spread in many parts of north India and now scenario is before us.

There ere four noble truth and eightfold paths given by Buddha which are to be practiced by a man to attain bodhi.

The four noble truth consists:
The truth of suffering, the truth of cause of suffering, the truth of end of suffering, and
the truth of the path of the end of suffering

The Eightfold Path consists of eight practices:
right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi(meditative absorption).

Thank you.

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