Book Review - Nine Chains To The Moon by Buckminster Fuller
This is one of Bucky's earliest books and chronicles his brief professional relationship to Albert Einstein. For the most part he explains Einstein theories in classic dymaxion, geodesic lingo. While this is before the total development of his mathematic and scientific system of "Synergetics" this is still one of my favorite books of his. In total his books number at least 20, maybe 30, and while I've read many of them this is still one of my favorites because you really get to see him thinking things through and the process of how he arrives at many of his conclusions. It will give you a unique perspective on Relativity and at the very least you should walk away from this book very familiar with the speed of light and why that "matters."
Overall 4 stars out of 5 because some of his later books are just so much better and more important.
Highly recommended.
hm. the speed of light and why it matters eh?