Live life without regrets is something that I often say to myself but deep down I have some that I am sharing now that is still on my bucket list.

I was nominated by @dawnsheree for this challenge and here I go share more of myself. I have been a baker, a chef, a call center agent, a credit card salesman, a supervisor, a manager, the HR guy, the events man.

I have traveled all over the world and drank and ate the culture of so many nations. I have lived my life to the fullest but there are still some things that I want to accomplish.


From Unsplash - Glenn Carstens-Peters

  1. Be a crypto millionaire with various holdings and one of them being Steem

  2. Date a movie star. I have dated models as one of the perks of being in events management but never had an opportunity yet to date a famous movie star.

  3. Revisit Japan and see the new Gundam Unicorn. I saw the old RX - 78 a few years back but have not seen the new one yet.

  4. Finally, finish my book of fiction. This project has been going on for years and I have not even finished it yet.

  5. Reopen a restaurant. I love to cook and one of my biggest failures was losing my restaurant due to my pride.

  6. Learn to scuba dive. I am afraid of the water. I can swim and even done some shallow water snorkeling but out in the open seas and without land in sight is something I want to overcome.

  7. Learn to digitally draw. Art is simply one skill that I cannot learn. I learned to be sporty, I learned how to cook, heck I can dance well enough and singing I was part of a chorale but for the life of me. I simply cannot draw!

  8. Visit Africa and go to different countries. I have been to the US, Europe, Australia and of course around a lot of countries in Asia but have never visited Africa yet.

  9. Retire somewhere it is perpetually fall season. I don't know where yet but that's the plan. I don't want a place that is too hot like my country nor too cold and has tons of snow. Fall has always been a season that I love.

  10. Have the @giftinkindph charity organization one that is stable and have a fundraising system in place that even if the core team and I are gone we are sure that somebody will continue the legacy.

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Not a lot on my list as I have done a lot of things. I have always gone after a lot of things that I wanted to do and followed a SMART goal system (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound)

This is to ensure that I am focused and moving towards my goal.

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Go to ground zero of crypto Africa! Zimbabwe or Nigeria?? Hum.

my good friend is nigerian and shes always told me the most beautiful country in africa is tanzania :)but depends what youre going for!

I would go to Nigeria as I might be able to travel and eat using SBD there haha

Nice bucket list Mav! Besides dating a movie star, don't do that, it is so annoying for the partner to suffer from all that fame. Just ask my husband LOL

Jokes aside, you should open another restaurant if that was your dream =) One with vegan options, so I can come try it too =)

hahahahha I know because you are a bad ass!

Hahaha I want to open a cafe and make artisanal coffee and tea, making coffee art (Like how I can't even draw!)

Oh most definitely I would need vegan options without cheese and eggs. I remember your video with your friend and how the owner of the bar food was very proud serving vegan fare.

yes he was ahahahah. Great project Mav!

Sounds like a good bucket list to me.

I can identify with both 4 and 7.

I have two books finished, but I have two other books that are over 70% done. Ran into snags with both of them and so I need to figure out what to make changes to so I can finish them.

I'd love to learn how to digitally draw, but I'm afraid I'd have to learn how to draw period, first. :)

My wife and youngest son have been to Japan, and want to go back some day. Actually, my son would live there if he could. Luckily, his wife is all for it.

My wife has wanted to open a restaurant. I've discouraged it because it's a lot of work and still things can go wrong. Maybe a franchise, but even then, there's a lot of capital outlay. I've tried to get her to just create different kinds of food, then get them packaged up to sell in stores, but she hasn't gone for that one.

Don't need to date a movie star (I'm good there), don't need to learn to scuba dive (I prefer to be on top of the water), and Africa isn't high on my travel list. But then, I've not made it any farther than North America in any direction (and Hawaii), so I've got places I can go before Africa.

Becoming a crypo millionaire goes without saying...

My retirement destination involves temps between upper 60s and lower 80s, nice breeze, a nearby ocean, plenty of green, tropical fruit, and peace and quiet. :)

Hahaha we both have that problem then of being unable to draw but I know with enough grit it can be done haha.

Having a restaurant is hard work. I remember waking up 3AM to make sure I get to the market early and closing the shop late in the evening.
Then there is the matter of investors and partners and the stress of being liquid.

Well I like being above water as well but scuba diving has been something I really wanted to test out.

Awesome bucket list! I had 4 and 7 on my list as well ;-)

I think most authors and bloggers here would like to do 4 and 7 haha.

great bucket list mav! some resonated with me and others made me laugh (date a movie star lol - i just never thought about putting dating goals on my bucket list ;p). i keep my big bucket list in my notes on my phone and absolutely love it when i check things off - but also when i discover something new i want to add to it!

ahahha well I'm curious and excited to date a movie star ahha. Yeah my list has gone awfully short these past few years as I try to complete ones that I thought before and have not really added a lot more.

Live life without regrets

...that's really what it's all about, isn't it! Too many live their life following other's expectations, and in the end, miss out on their wants and needs. I'm glad you haven't don that, and you still have a 'bucket list' to complete!

Your #5 struck me; there's a big story there I'm sure, but what I'm hearing is that you learned from your "failure" and that is another great way to live! I too owned a restaurant and loved to cook, but when Brian was diagnosed with cancer, the doctor suggested that we remove stress from our lives. It's easy to guess what had to be the first thing to go.

l enjoyed this post; it got me thinking of a few other things, namely scuba diving, that I've always considered doing, but just never seemed to have gotten around to it.

It was a big thing when it happened to me and I shun away some friends who I thought might rub it in my face that I failed. Eventually I stopped being paranoid and let them back in my life.

Interesting I might write that in the promo-mentors challenge about failures.

It's interesting how our shame translates on the outside of us and in our actions. Your story is something I'd love to read.

What's 'promo-mentors' challenge?

Ohhh its a writing competition that Futurethinker does every once and awhile and is pretty interesting.


I dropped this in newbieresteemday

Thank you for that! I'll have to check it out :)

Interesting to know you had a restaurant. May I ask the type of restaurant? Perhaps you could share your knowledge on running it? Or your experience. I can tell you right now that I do know it is HARD work and hard to achieve in that line of work.

I love to cook and I am a cook (the only cook the nights I work) at my parents restaurant. It's fast food as thats what the people want here.
Their plan is to hand over the restaurant to me when they retire. I dont know if I will be able to handle running a restaurant but it definitely wont just be fast food.
Im not going to lie... I thought of turning it into a bakery or do both lol.

It wasn't exactly fast food nor was fine dining. We mostly catered local food of rice and meat, with some sandwiches, cupcakes and pies.

It was really stressful but I loved it! Maybe I will open something again but more of a cafe now.

You should do it!

I think aside from being in the kitchen, the hard part is managing the money properly. That is what I am scared of and makes me think if its worth it.

dooood I'll meet you in thailand where my friend owns a scuba dive school, thus one of my top 10! we can go together ... cool you had a restaurant. FYI i have that same uneasy feeling in open water and my boi in Thai says he is willing to "break me of the fear." i almost don't want to know how ...

wahahaha how come I have dirty thoughts when I saw the word break lol!!

i have no idea! WTH? ahahahahaahha oh SNAP!! (got the new word in)
an innocent girl writes a couple of inventive stories and ... sMH

is that your "go" word? like when you are in that sexy moment you tell the girl say it say it say the word ... and she whispers "break" and it all hell breaks loose?? buahahaahah

Quite long bucketlist @mavericinvictus :) My eye got wider on your top lists.
I would love to see my self a crypto billionaire also.! traveling around the World has been on my bucket list as well. Let me give you my prayers for that to happen and remember me when you become millionair haha

Yeah if we become crypto rich that would enable us to do a lot of things and charities being one of them.

That's an excellent bucket list! I hear you on scuba diving—I love the ocean but open water scares me. That's a worthy fear to overcome! Also, what's your novel about? Keep at it. May the words be with you. :)

Thank you so much for the encouragement on the book! It has been sitting idle for years but the good thing with Steemit since I am constantly writing I get the practice I need and have been adding a few paragraphs here and here as well as rereading the whole thing and making some changes.

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