btcheat 2day 2일차
어제 처음해서 1% 바를 채웠는데
yesterday 1%
오늘은 6% 네요
today 6%
음... 일단 다 채우면 인출이 되는지 계속 해봐야할거 같네요
mm.. It is necessary to continue withdrawal
어제 처음해서 1% 바를 채웠는데
yesterday 1%
오늘은 6% 네요
today 6%
음... 일단 다 채우면 인출이 되는지 계속 해봐야할거 같네요
mm.. It is necessary to continue withdrawal
It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction.
Thank you for a good word.