Leveraged trading.

in #btc7 years ago


Today i wanna explain some small stuf about buying btc or altcoins with leverage, and shorting with leverage.

First of all there are different kind of leveraged trading sites for btc. We use bitmex only. Because this is the biggest with trade volume i prefer to trade here.

First u start bye making an acount on bitmex. (if u use my referal u get some discount on fee's.


When u made an acount u have to deposit btc to bitmex. It get transferd automaticly to xbtc. This stands for the same price as btc but this is what they use in there exhange.

Once u got your btc in u can start opening positions. U can put your leverage from 1 to 100x.

U can either long (prices go up) or short(prices go down)

Here are some tips.

  1. Dont folow the trollbox people shout evrything there its not the information u want.
  2. Dont go over 25x leverage, If u go higher then chances are big that u wil be liquidated.
  3. Watch out for your liquidation price. When the price goes up or down u have an liquidation point. If u hit this your posiition wil automaticly close and u loose your btc.

If anyone needs more help feel free to leave a comment. If there is enough people that want it i can make some more detailed guides.

Greetings Reviles

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.13
TRX 0.23
JST 0.031
BTC 84143.86
ETH 1965.52
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.76