Major Bitcoin Mining Pools Yet to Include Taproot Transactions
F2Pool and AntPool have not added taproot transactions on the mined blocks.
Mining pools account for around 35% of Bitcoin's hash rate.
Two of the groupings of miners (pools) that provide greater computing power to the Bitcoin network seem not to be including transactions with the new taproot format in the mined blocks. This was pointed out by some blockchain analysts on social networks.
According to information from, pools such as F2Pool and AntPool have excluded P2TR transactions (taproot format) from their block templates. This could affect the confirmation times of the taproot expenses, since these pools group 35.3% of the Bitcoin hash rate.
According to the analysis of the website, a transaction is considered "missing" or "lost" when, although it is part of the block template, once it is mined, it is evident that the pool did not include it. The data shows a taproot transaction that was not included in 4 consecutive blocks, mined by F2Pool, AntPool and Binance. However, the latter has already added transactions with P2TR format, previously, in at least 6 blocks.
Although several possible reasons why a pool could leak a transaction are listed, the developer of, who identifies himself as @ 0xB10C on social media, noted that the pools may not have updated their infrastructure to recognize the new format transactions. .
"When looking at the groups that mined more than 3 blocks since taproot activation or that included a P2TR spend, it is clear that F2Pool and AntPool most likely DO NOT include P2TR expenditures," tweeted the observer from the bitcoin chain, the night of Sunday, November 14th. He also mentioned that F2Pool spoke of a prompt update; however, data from this Tuesday 16 reveal that the pool continues to lose this type of transaction.
There are still 46% of the nodes without updating
Taproot was activated in Bitcoin last Sunday, November 14 at the height of 709,632, after a long phase of discussions that lasted for almost three years. The update was confirmed in the middle of this year, after a consultation carried out among the miners of the network. At that time, 90% of the hash rate was favorable to the inclusion of taproot and schnorr as improvements for Bitcoin.
According to the website created by the main developer of Bitcoin Core, Luke Dash. Jr. There are still a significant number of nodes that have not been updated to version 22.0 of the protocol, which supports taproot. On average, 46% are still running older versions of the Bitcoin Core client.