Waves tokens improving the value of Waves Blockchain
Waves Blockchain empowers the startup companies to issue tokens on the waves DEcentralised Exchanges (DEX) and that is probably the best application of the waves blockchain.
I was doing a little bit of research on the waves and the tokens issued on the waves blockchain. On the date of posting this article there were 58 tokens on DEX.
I found that there is a token by name BRW, which is quite low priced token on DEX. Since it has low market capitalization and higher outstanding float, it is quite interesting token.
I observed on one given day the prices have shot up by 143% in the period of 24 hours.
Here is redfishcoin,
you can check @redfishelp updates of Steemit redfish Community token, the redfishcoin, A verified waves assets, offer Earn 3% by holding. with 1 million total supply only.
I will check this brw too
BRW quick Scan!
Having infinite max supply is very shady,
I think I can't support this,