Bridge Protocol — How important Stephen Hyduchak is ?
Hi guys , last time i showed you the overview about Bridge Protocol project like token information , how it works , what is it benefits ,… Today i would like to show you a super important part in this Bridge Protocol project . That’s who are their CEO as well as Founder. What is his experience of works ? Can he has ability to drive this project ? Now , i will show you about it
Stephen is a finance grad and founder of successful companies like ProjectICO. After helping others manually launch their ICOs, Stephen saw the inefficiencies and knew that blockchain driven platforms needed a blockchain process for their token sales.
From 2011–2013 , he worked at Indiana University of Pennsylvalia. He served as a liaison betating funds more conservatively to student groups based on previous fiscal year needs.
From 2011–2014 , he worked for Silver Model . He worked with very charismatic agents and creative directors over the years while paying his way through college. He has worked with companies like American eagle, Dicks sporting goods, MAC cosmetics, Skechers, Ted Baker London and more. He secured repeat bookings through networking and promotional skills in a competitive atmosphere. As a contractor this gave him experience running his own successful small business and managing his own expenses and taxes.
From 2014 2015 , he was in Northwesten Mutual . He served as a financial analyst charged with managing multi-millions worth of investments held in various types of accounts. He compile plans based on a multitude of financial information and compare with market rates to find the best funds that match risk profiles of clients. Implemented new technology like QR codes for his team and various social media marketing approaches to increase revenue and keep on the cutting edge with clientele.
From 2015–2017 , he worked for Advance Auto Parts.
From 2017 — Present , he is Founder of Hello Otto . Hello Otto brings automation and marketing to complete synergy. Their goal is to provide your new or established business with targeted leads and new marketing approaches that actually work. Otto is a cool way to save you time but your data is the real power we harness. We have the research and insight from past experiences and the data from your campaigns we run to help you build your optimal customer demographic and “hot-leads.” Let our metrics help you save money on ad campaigns on facebook, twitter, and costly bounty programs for your ICO.
In 2017 — Present , as i concerned above , he is CEO of ProjectICO . ProjectICO is a leader to one stop shop solution for your upcoming token sale.
Their trusted team consults and walks you through business concept to token sale. They Cut edge strategies in legal, marketing and blockchain to make sure you’re a business leader.
I have just showed you Bridge Protocol CEO , you can see that he há a good CV and tons of experience . Next time , i will respectively introduce one by one team member of this project. Hope you guys enjoy it . Thanks
Some links related to Bridge Protocol project you will need :D
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