Bridge Protocol Bounty Campaign — Chance to earn thousands dollar
Hi guys , last time i showed you the information token sale of Bridge Protocol project . Unfortunately , whitelist registration was closed , i missed it too . Because this project is a super potential , i do not want to miss this chance , i found many many way to own IAM token . Finally , i realize that Bridge Protocol organized a bounty campaign in last 3 days . Thanks god , i immediately participate in it . Now , i want to guide you how to earn IAM token without take part in ICO sale .
First of all , you need to click to this link to submit your link for posting to receive IAM tokens; this is the only sheet team will approve :
Next step : to get permission to write on the sheet you must follow 3 below steps :
-Click “View Only” on the top of the spreadsheet
-Then simply click “Send Request”
-As soon as you are granted access, you will be able to edit/add your information
Check your email box ,they will send you a approval link , the only thing you must do is click to that link and fill your infomation , and wait Bridge Protocol team check it , if you are pass they will note “ YES” or they will note the reason you failed . NOTE : you must use NEO address to receive token .
IAM will be distributing 15,000,000 of it’s IAM tokens worth $0.05 each ($750,000 in total) for the bounty campaign to be distributed after the end of the Token Sale (No later than March 1 2018)
15% of total Bounty Pool
Subscribe/post to the Bridge Protocol SubReddit:
• Your account should be at least 30 days old or have 10 posts of comment karma.
• For a post to be counted, it needs to be posted in one of the following subreddits, or cryptocurrency related subreddits: r/NEO, r/bitcoin, r/iambridgeprotocol
r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/icocrypto,r/cryptocurrency.
• Posts and Comments with negative Karma will not be accepted. Any kind of spam will not be rewarded either.
• External posts should link to either BridgeProtocol subreddit posts, to the Bridge Protocol Website or to the social media links.
Posts regarding Bridge or featuring Bridge
20 upvotes : 5 IAM
50 upvotes : 10 IAM
100 upvotes : 30 IAM
300 upvotes : 100 IAM
1)Follow and Like our page
2)Like and share at least 2 posts per week.
3)Post at least one message a week about Bridge on your page or on a ICO message board. It must be written with your own words, in your native language, and must contain Bridge’s Facebook link.
4)Multiple accounts registration is not allowed. One person = one account. All the related accounts will be deleted.
Tier 3 : Having 200+ friends/followers : 10 IAM
Tier 2 : Having 500+ friends/followers : 25 IAM
Tier 1 : Having 1.000+ friends/followers : 100 IAM
Tier 0 : Having 2.000+ friends/followers : 175 IAM
Extra Tier : Having 5.000+ friends/followers : 300 IAM
15% of total Bounty Pool
• Twitter audit must be equal to or more than 75%.
• Must make at least 4 tweets or retweets about BRIDGE per week.
• You must be retweeting BRIDGE’s official tweets and updates regularly.
• Don’t post everything in 1 day, you are supposed to make the tweets constructive and not simply spam.
• You must be following us on Twitter
Tier 3 : Having 200+ friends/followers : 10 IAM
Tier 2 : Having 500+ friends/followers : 25 IAM
Tier 1 : Having 1.000+ friends/followers : 100 IAM
Tier 0 : Having 2.000+ friends/followers : 175 IAM
Extra Tier : Having 5.000+ friends/followers : 300 IAM
25% of total Bounty Pool
Earn IAM tokens by reviewing, explaining the Bridge Protocol project. All video reviews must be factual and informational about Bridge Protocol (IAM). Bridge Protocol prefers for these videos to appear on the YouTube platform.
Video Review
-Participants must follow the Bridge Protocol YouTube Page
-Accounts must be authentic and active. Fake, Dead, and inactive bot
accounts will not be accepted
-Participants must like all Bridge Protocol Videos
-Videos must be a minimum of 2:00 minutes in length
Tier 0: 5,000+ Subscribers/Followers: 2,000 IAM
Tier 1: 1000+ Subscribers/Followers: 1,000 IAM
Tier 2: 500+ Subscribers/Followers: 500 IAM
Tier 3 100+ Subscribers/Followers: 300 IAM
Earn IAM tokens by reviewing, explaining the Bridge Protocol project. All articles/publications must be factual and informational about Bridge Protocol (IAM).
-Do not copy previous articles of other participants
-Steemit and Medium Blogs participants must have at least 20 subscribers
-Your text must be unique
-All articles must have a minimum of 400 words
15% of total Bounty Pool
Earn tokens as a reward for translating an Announcement Thread of BRIDGE by actively moderating the thread and keeping it active by posting regular updates, news or any important announcements in the local translated thread.
Warning: a single post dead thread is useless for the token sale and will not be accepted. We expect from the ANN translators to take the responsibility to moderate their threads by keeping them active and decent with translated official announcements, news and updates regularly. If a translator just posts the thread and leaves it dead, with no updates, he will either be disqualified or have his reward reduced by 50%.
• Translation should represent original work, if you use tools such as google translate, automatic translators and so on, your
submission will be rejected and blacklisted.
• For stake counting, only the posts of the OP are counted towards moderation activity. Translators should be active, if OP becomes
inactive, another moderator will be hired for updating and moderating the thread.
• Do not make unnecessary multiple posts to increase stake numbers, this will result in the posts being uncounted and a penalty.
• Bounty manager and the team reserve their right to make changes to this terms or apply new ones.
ANN thread : 50 IAM
Website : 200 IAM
Whitepaper : 500 IAM
Moderation/Management : 5 IAM per Valid Post of Moderator
Whitepaper Link:
ANN Thread:
Translators must do both ANN and (WP or Website).
● ● ● MANAGEMENT ● ● ●
30% of total Bounty Pool
Join our Campaign to help spreading the word about BRIDGE on Bitcointalk. The Team is looking for help with trusted third parties who can help monitor Telegram, Twitter, Reddit channel in all hours. We will vet your background and the team will approve moderators. Initially, we will select 1–2 individuals for the following channel below.
Payment for Campaign (Until Whitelist Closes)
Telegram: 5,000 IAM Tokens
Discord: 5,000 IAM Tokens
Twitter: 5,000 IAM Tokens
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE : By February 26, 2018 all Bounty Participants must submit an emailed log of all activity proving completion of required bounty tasks to: [email protected]
Hope you guys can earn thousand dollar with Bridge Protocol campaign . Thanks for reading .
Some links related to Bridge Protocol project you will need :D
Website :
Twitter :
Facebook :