Government closed down motorways to stop BREXIT protesters
The British government snooped to a new low as Pro Brexit protestors swelled in the streets of London.
Millions turn out on the 29th March filling the streets of Westminister to demand Mrs May and her government honour the peoples democratic vote on the EU referendum but, many more people may have attended if the government had not gone to a whole new level to prevent them.
The government closed down motorways, delayed trains and stopped people entering the centre of London prior to the protest commencing.
It all started with the M6. A seriouse accident had happened at 2am on the Southbound carriage way between Junction 19 (Knutsford) and Junction 18 (Middlewich/Holmes Chapel) as you may expect that Junction was closed and it is reported by the Highways agency and main stream media that it reopened at 10:30am.
The government had used the opportunity to close down not only Junction 18 and 19 but the following 5 junctions after it, which led to anyone coming from the North of england where the majority of people voted to leave the EU to be delayed for the main events in parliament square.
It didn't stop at the M6. Within hours of the M6 reopening a mysterious event led to the M1 before Watford being closed. No further information was published at the time to why traffic had suddenly come to a standstill. This added further hours of delay to anyone heading in to London.
The government would have you believe it was not your lucky day if you was traveling by train as all trains going in to London from major towns and cities in the north and midlands were hit by delays a few hours before the main event in Westminister. The majority of them were delayed with no official reason or at least the government would want you to believe.
The truth is this was a planned series of events to reduce the number going to protest in London.
In a desperate attempt to reduce the numbers further in the closing hours leading up to the start of the event the government were not so covert about its actions. The police stopped vehicles and pedestrians they believed were going to protest and would not allow them to continue their journey in to the center.
Despite the government covertly working to stop the flow of pro brexit protestors in to London a crowd of over a million people made it to london to use their voice. They may have been silenced by the government and main stream media but parliament could hear them as they protested well in to the night under the heavy presence of police.
Further events across the city were carried out the following day.