BREXIT: what are the implications?

in #brexit8 years ago

 I wrote this for a group of friends and a closed group on the 14th of June. I would love to hear your idea's and commentary on my opinions.

Within it are my predictions for leaving the EU. Within the first 24 hours; half of them have already were realized; the rest are yet to come. What do you think? There has been a minuscule recovery that has been heralded by the main stream media as the economists being wrong. What the mainstream media forgets to mention; is that Article 50 hasn't been invoked; so as of this moment we still have no intention of leaving the EU.

But the mere speculation that we might leave the EU caused 1.5 trillion pounds to be wiped off the economy, to put that into perspective, 1 trillion pounds, was wiped off back in 2008 when we had the recession.

Can you see light at the end of the tunnel? Any ideas? Feel free to discuss.

My original comment on the 14th of June:

"I am a realist; and I love the idea of remaining part of something big and I love the thought of being independent.

Most people I speak to with regards to the Brexit; cite Switzerland as a prime example of what the UK will be like if we leave the EU. And if you've been to Switzerland; this is a dream come true, it's a safe heaven, the country was practically unscathed by the recession, they stop working for lunch, have a great welfare system ect.

It would be pretty awesome if the UK could achieve a situation like Switzerland; but the question is; is this more than wishful thinking?

Well lets look at all the facts; Switzerland is a land locked mountainous country, in the center of Europe; and is known to be one of the most neutral counties on the planet. It's stayed out of wars for centuries and its central bank has been able to mature because of this.

It also has one of the biggest gold reserves in the world; making the Swiss Franc ridiculously expensive and powerful. When you divide it's gold reserves against the population this wealth and economic power is even more pronounced.

Gordon Brown sold off the majority of the UK's gold reserves back in 2008; at around 240 pounds per ounce. Today the price of gold is over 900 pounds per ounce. Meaning that seperated from the European Central Bank; the pound would hold less worth than the Euro.

Switzerland is also one of the EU countries that Exports more than it Imports. It is a self sufficient country. People grow their own food for example. This also means that their Central Bank doesn't need to borrow, or that it even barely has a deficit, meaning that it doesn't have to borrow money year on year and pay interest on it. The UK has had a growing deficit since the 70's. Today the deficit is valued at 1.7 Trillion Pounds or 90% of GDP (GDP = National Assets) and counting.

The UK is not self sufficient, and relies on imports for 40% of its food and energy; which are now all owned by private institutions that need to make a profit.

Allot of these are based in Europe; EDF energy for example means allot of Brits benefit from tax free French nuclear power. The UK is also hugely indebted to the European Central Bank and IMF like Greece, for which there are interest payments; that can be increased.........

Thank's to being the 5th biggest economy in the world. Thanks to the financial sector; which operates and set's prices for allot of commodities worldwide. If we left the EU; the pound would continue to dive; as it has done in the last 14 days; and allot of this 'control' / price setting; would be lost as the majority of the deals would be done with other banks based outside of the UK.

This has already stated to happen with gold for example; China and HK now have equal say in setting the gold price.

So basically the last bastion for UK money making would also be greatly affected; and it's very likely that instead of a recovery; China's emerging financial institutions will pick up where the UK left off.

The monarchy would be better for the country?

Yeah; I'm sure allot of countries ended up abolishing monarchies because they were so amazing and better than real actual democracies.

Leaving the EU will take back democracy?
Leaving the EU is a step back to total monarchy. The privileges we enjoy; like getting time off, being paid fairly, having a court of appeals ect are thanks to the EU.
If we think that the establishment (the same one that's privatized everything in this country, and that's lead these rights being eroded for years) will allow us to keep them; then we really need to read more history.

I am very sorry for the people that will starve; whatever happens; I can garentee with 100% certainty that it will be worse than the aftermath of 2008; which has since led to 200,000 people falling below the poverty line.

Fast forward to 2022 I predict this figure to be in the millions. Following this chain of event's.

The UK leaves the EU.

The value of the pound plummets.

The BoE (bank of England) looses it's AAA credit rating,

Business that depend on the EU close; unemployment rises.

The budget cannot accommodate the new interest rates; or new strains on welfare, austerity is inevitable and inflation of at least 40% (if we're lucky, this could literally be over 1000%) on energy, food and good's coming from any country.

People will be forced to choose between paying their mortgage or paying 10x the amount they used to pay for food; that they need to live on.

Foodbanks become high street staple.

For me either way I win. If we leave I make tonnes of money; if we stay I don't have to deal with visa hassle, wanting to move country, getting a free University Degree from Germany or Sweden.

Considering the UKs net GDP being 1 trillion; in the year we bailed out the banks, it's more accurate to say that more than 100% of British tax money was used to bail out the banks. Meaning that we were forced to borrow more from the same banks we gave free money too.

But when the politicians are in bed with the bankers; it's the politicians that are offered jobs at the institutions they helped privatized after they retire from politics.

Thanks to the EU referendum I've made thousands of tax free cash on the speculation. I will make tonnes more if the UK decides to leave the EU. I didn't have much money to start with. I know other people are making much, much more than I am.

If the UK leaves the EU it will be helping the 1% achieve their goal of controlling 90% of the wealth. If this does happen I am savvy enough to be part of the 1% so I don't mind either way." 

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