Wrong Diagnosis & Yeah It's Worse!

in #breastcancer6 years ago (edited)


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Well just goes to show..... do not research a preliminary diagnosis with google!

Tuesday I had my first appointment with the Dr that's treating my wound issue & also my cancer surgery as a matter of fact. (small town USA)

I learned that i had my diagnosis wrong. It was in fact invasive duct carcinoma & there was tge possibility it's already gotten into my armpit nodes but that won't be known until after a lumpectomy & node biopsy are performed which will be occuring Jan 17, which is next week. Results which will be back around the 22nd of this month. We also won't know what stage I'm at either until those results come back.

I dunno bout you, but the term invasive makes me a bit nervous & does nothing for my cronic anxiety....

Tonight i am eyes wide open & unable to sleep at the moment. I bounce back & forth between painting shells & playing games on my phone.

My mouth & lips show the tole the anxiety's taking on me. Chewing my mouth like crazy....
It's not just me though. It's a family trait. My siblings do it too.

I know I'm just rambling here...
I'm resorting to use Steemit as a way to vent going thru all this. In a way...it's like a support group but you get to choose whether or not you're going to "listen" to others via the choice whether or not to read their posts.

I have read some, but didn't comment. Not sure what to say. Partly because the fact that i have an invasive cancer is formost in my mind.

If you're going to be truly successful at severe anxiety, you have to be unable to let something go. To give up control. I'm a master @ the not letting go... I've been continually mastering it for 52 years.

Ironically, the severe anxiety could play a big part as to why I have cancer in the first place.
There's plenty of studies out there these days that show the long term effects of stress & anxiety.

Again, an irony is how important a positive attitude is in conquering cancer. Tonight those negative voices are ahead in this long race. I'm trying not to listen.

Good thing I have medication to quiet those voices. Back to those shells.....


Image is mine


It would be nice to ssy 'welcome back' under better circumstances... yet welcone back all the same.

Again, an irony is how important a positive attitude is in conquering cancer.

It was 5 years last august that a golf ball sized growth on my neck was noticed while shaving. Only yoga and pot kept my anxiety under control. The good news is that it has been over 5 years. Cancer can be beaten. Take that fact into surgery tomorrow and carry it with you throughout your recovery. My thoughts will be with you. ✌💛

Ty! I most certainly will @novacadian! It's always empowering to hear from a survivor! I'm glad you won the fight!

I'm glad you won the fight!

Thanks @luanne, although my habit is to consider it a reprieve so that next time will be less of a shock. Be strong and see each day as a gift. ✌💛

Yes. Unfortunately we have to remain constantly ready to fight should it return. However, I know someone who battled it 4 times & won! They have been cancer free for like 15 years! So don't loose faith!

What a warrior they must be to never surrender! 🖒

I wish I could say "Hope you're doing good" but I can see you're not good.

Still glad to see you here and I'm hoping all the best for you.

Hi there! Ty @apsu! Good to hear from you!

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