8 Signs He Regrets Losing You

in #breakup3 months ago

Not every relationship that ends does so with a finality. Sometimes people wish things could be different and there will always be signs that show this. Here are some signs he regrets losing you.

Most people don’t know what they have until they lose it. Sometimes you are with someone and all actions from them show they don’t value you.

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Things continue to take a downward spiral until the relationship crumbles completely. You make up your mind to move on and this is going fine until your ex reappears on the scene.

His reappearance brings mixed reactions as you are unclear of his intentions. At this point, it is clear your ex regrets ending the relationship. However, if you are still unsure, here are

  1. He Reaches Out to You Often

You’ve both been apart a while, however, he suddenly starts to reach out. It might start with a call that goes on for a while with no clear explanation as to why he’s suddenly reaching out.

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This continues with him wanting to keep in touch and re-establish a connection.

His conversation will be warm with you able to detect there’s something up his sleeves.

His call timings will also be ones you can’t determine. He might call you in the middle of the night (if you take calls at this time) or late in the morning. The thing is he would be familiar with your schedule at this time and would know the right times to put a call through.

  1. He Tells You He Misses You

One of the clearest signs he regrets losing you is that he comes right out to tell you.

He might have been gone a while. He might even be in a new relationship, but might be missing what you both had.

When he calls, he doesn’t try to hide his reason or beat around the bush but will tell you he misses you and what you both had. He knows he has to build a bridge back to your heart and this would be the easiest way to do so.

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  1. He Talks About His Dissatisfaction with His Present Relationship

He might be in a relationship but be missing certain things you both shared. His new relationship might not be all bad, however, his current girlfriend might lack some qualities you have that he has become comfortable with over the years.

He also might not be completely over you, which would be preventing him from giving himself fully to his new relationship.

Read Also: 8 Signs Your Relationship Might be Troubled and Its Time to Move on

  1. He Re-follows You on Social Media

You also might notice he sorts of stalks you on social media.

You have unfollowed him to ease your moving on after the breakup and expected him to do the same.

However, he doesn’t or he does but a few months later you notice him on your posts and updates.

He’s always the first to like your profile updates or drop a comment just to mark his presence in your life.

At this point, he is trying to stay visible in the hopes he remains on your mind since you are still very much on his.

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  1. He is Jealous of Your New Relationship

He gets jealous of your new relationship and doesn’t bother to hide this. He obviously wants you back and might be trying to work his way back into your life.

This is usually one of the telltale signs he regrets losing you as a guy that doesn’t love you anymore and wouldn’t care if you move on with someone else or stayed alone.

  1. He Tries to Find Out Your Current Relationship with Friends

If he’s unable to get updates about your life from you or via social media, then he will try to do so via your friends.

It’s not uncommon for him to keep in touch with your friends, especially if you guys shared a few, and to try to find out the state of your heart and relationship from time to time.

You will typically know he’s doing this as your friends will let you know.

Read Also: 13 Signs He Doesn’t Want Anyone Else to Have You

  1. He Remembers Special Days in Your Life

Your ex is also likely to reach out to you on special days like your birthday or any anniversaries in your life.

Of course, he remembers these days as you have been in his thoughts for a while.

It’s also possible for him to remember the birthdays of close family members of yours, especially if you stay with them and he had a sort of close relationship with them also and to reach out to these people.

  1. He Tries to Get You Back

After dropping hints here and there he wants you back, he will make the move to actually do so.

This might happen in any way, from him calling to let you know he made a mistake ending things, to him trying to woo you afresh without actually saying the words.

Whichever option he does settle for, it will become glaring instantly this man misses you and wants you back.

  1. He Tries to Atone for His Mistake

Perhaps one of the most obvious signs he regrets losing you, right after trying to get you back is that he tries to atone for his mistakes.

If the relationship breakdown came from his end, then he is bound to try to atone for this.

You might notice him exhibiting some character changes, especially ones you complained about all in a bid to win you back.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long before a guy regrets breaking up?

No one can say exactly how long it takes for a guy to regret losing his relationship. However, on average, it takes around four to six weeks for most guys to get to this point.

Usually, although this isn’t set in stone, this happens after getting into another relationship when they start to miss what they had with you, and the issues that seemed like deal-breakers a while back become things that can be worked on or overlooked.

  • Do guys regret hurting a good girl?

Most guys reveal they do. They have regrets over losing a particular woman. This might not happen immediately, but, when a woman is good and gives her best in a relationship, a guy almost always regrets losing her, especially if he never found anyone just like her.

He might make moves to get her back (or not), but a small part of him will always rue the day they parted ways.

  • How do you know if a guy regrets?

Guys who regret a relationship breakup will give off the usual signs and one of the most common signs he regrets losing you is that he reaches out and tries to get back together.

What will make a man regret losing you?
While not always the case, sometimes, a guy breaks off a relationship due to the lure and excitement of a new girl.

However, if things don’t work out, then he is likely to miss giving up his previous relationship.

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