Obama Returns to the White House
A rule modification to correct the so-called "family issue' with Obamacare gave the former president with an occasion to make his first trip at the White House since he left in 2017.It was like old times on Tuesday at the White House, with Joe Biden and Barack Obama touting the Affordable Care Act before a receptive crowd that included Democratic lawmakers and health advocates "Thank you, Vice President Biden, Vice President Harris," Obama declared in his opening remarks that drew laughter and a respectful salute from Biden, who was Obama's second-in command and the commander in chief. the former president Obama recognizes - it's isn't it? that Biden is now in the top job in the current administration as it attempts to improve upon the law that was passed 12 years ago . "It was already in place," Obama said, getting up, before addressing Biden in the title of "my President" and praising the progress the present White House occupant is making to broaden Obama's signature law. The visit was the first of Obama's in the White House since he left in 2017 after Donald Trump - or "the former guy" as Biden refers to the former president - moved into the 1600 Pennsylvania Ave And he had specific and specific advice for his successor: Take what you can and work to improve it over time, once you have the structure in place. Know that people are cautious initially, but they could be able to accept it once they've gotten familiar with the new policy. Remember that the microphone that is located in the East Room of the White House is always on. "Everybody who's been working on this was aware from the beginning that the Affordable Healthcare Act isn't flawless," Obama said. The Obama administration "had to make concessions" and "didn't achieve everything we wanted.