Benefits and Content of Breadfruit (Artocarpus communis)

in #breadfruit6 years ago


Benefits and Content of Breadfruit - Breadfruit (Artocarpus communis) is a plant that popularity can be seen from the use of the name of this fruit for cigarette products. Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) belongs to the family Moraceae / aka the Mulberry family or more commonly known as bread fruit or fruit bread. This plant grows in tropical regions, such as Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. All parts of breadfruit plants contain flavonoid compounds. Efficacy tests on the artificial environment as well as on the living body against the extract of this plant, and showed very good results.

Europeans call breadfruit as breadfruit. This is because breadfruit does not have seeds and has soft parts that are similar to bread. Breadfruit is widely processed and used as a food source. Breadfruit is used as an important source of carbohydrates in the Pacific region and is commonly known as kuru, ulu, or uru. According to reports, carbohydrates contained in 100 g of breadfruit flour are equivalent to carbohydrates in 100 g of rice. Breadfruit leaves themselves are widely used in the manufacture of traditional medicine. Breadfruit is known to have various types of content such as vitamin C, riboflavin, carbohydrates, potassium, thiamin, sodium, calcium, and iron. The bark is known to contain prenylated flavonoid derivatives, artonol B and cycloartobiloxanthone.

Benefits and Content of Breadfruit

the appearance of young breadfruit while still in the tree.png

Live body tests, for example, conclude that ethyl acetate extract containing flavonoids and beta-cytoserol in a ratio of 100 mg / kg and 20 mg / kg can inhibit platelet aggression, reduce blood viscosity, and protect the heart from acute ischemia. Furthermore, the test of extra ketylacetate efficacy on blood cholesterol levels and fat accumulation in the aortic vascular wall in Wistar strain rats showed that extra ketylacetate dose of 150 mg / kg body weight was able to significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Although breadfruit plants are very popular, but not easy to find the leaves in a big city like Jakarta. Even in rural areas not many people plant it. This is because, in addition to this plant lacking "selling" the community does not know much, the benefits of this plant, even often found people cut down this tree in their yard, and replace it with other plants, such as mangoes, bananas, coconuts, and even other plants.

Breadfruit is round, thick-skinned and rough, young fruit is light green, fruit weight reaches 1.5-3 kg. Old breadfruit will be marked by the release of sap on the surface of the skin, and will cover the entire surface of the fruit, causing the color of the fruit to become black. Breadfruit besides being sold raw, can also be used as raw materials such as breadfruit flour, or processed into snacks / such as boiled, fried, or made chips.

Breadfruit benefits for health

Breadfruit trees are full of fruit.png

Various compounds contained in breadfruit have been shown to provide benefits to human health. What are the benefits? The following is a review of breadfruit benefits:

1.Rich in Fiber Content

Breadfruit contains high fiber. Various studies have shown that consuming breadfruit regularly can reduce the risk of diabetes. In addition, breadfruit consumption can be used as a control against blood sugar levels. Fiber content in breadfruit can help reduce sugar absorption by the body.

2.Breadfruit as an Energy Source

One cup of breadfruit contains about 60 grams of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are a source of energy in the body. This causes breadfruit to be used as an energy source.

3.Breadfruit Consumption Can Make the Longer Sweeten

Breadfruit contains high fiber and carbohydrates. Breadfruit is very suitable to be used as an alternative to rice. For those of you who want to go on a healthy diet, breadfruit can be the right choice. Consumption for breadfruit can increase calorie intake and longer satiety. Therefore, by consuming breadfruit you will be more active and energetic throughout the day.

4.Healthy Diet

Breadfruit contains high fiber. For diabetics, breadfruit can be an option for those of you who will go on a diet. This is because high fiber in breadfruit contains ideal calories so that you can list your diet.

5.Overcoming Defecation

High fiber content in breadfruit can expel bowel movements when routinely consumed. Kandungni can also help remove toxins from the intestine.

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6.Source of Omega 6 and Omega 3

In various studies mentioned that consuming breadfruit can help the growth and development of children. The content in breadfruit can be used as a large brain stimulus. This is because breadfruit contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in breadfruit.

7.Breadfruit is beneficial for heart health, cholesterol, and cardiovascular

Breadfruit is a source of potassium. Nutrients contained in breadfruit is good for heart health because it can reduce blood pressure in the body. Besides that, nutrient content can help to prevent heart rate by minimizing the effects of sodium. Fiber content in breadfruit can also help reduce cholesterol. This is because the high fiber content in breadfruit can prevent absorption in the intestine. Bad cholesterol (LDL) will decrease while good cholesterol (HDL) will rise. As a result the amount of triglycerides that become one of the triggers of a heart attack will decrease.


Breadfruit contains vitamin C which can be used as an antidote to free radicals that are harmful to the body. Antioxidants are also closely related to premature aging. Consumption of breadfruit that is rich in vitamin C can make you look youthful.


Vitamin C in breadfruit can function as an antioxidant because it can make you avoid the risk of cancer. This can be a protection for your body's cells. Damage to cells in the body can trigger the onset of cancer.

10.Sources of Vitamins and Minerals for Hair

Breadfruit contains omega 6 fatty acids which are good for the health of hair follicles so that hair becomes healthier, does not fall off easily, prevents baldness, and strengthens hair roots. Breadfruit consumption is also able to prevent dandruff which often appears on the hair.

Breadfruit Crockets one of the processed foods made from breadfruit.png

11.Maintain Skin Beauty

Omega 3 and 6 content in breadfruit is very good for skin beauty. This is because the content of vitamin C in breadfruit can be a nutrient for skin health.

12.Increase Body Immune

Benefits of breadfruit can be used as food to increase the body's immune. Strong body immune and awake can keep you awake from illness.

13.Prevent Diarrhea

Vitamins that are high in breadfruit can prevent you from diarrhea. Vitamins and minerals will be able to repel bacteria that can trigger diarrhea. Therefore, symptoms of diarrhea can be minimized.

14.Increase Collagen Production

The high content of Vitamin C in breadfruit can help collagen production. The consumption of breadfruit juice will keep your skin awake and tight and stay young.

15.Prevent Excessive Skin Inflammation

Fresh breadfruit extract can help reduce skin inflammation. Breadfruit extract can be used to prevent excessive nitric oxide production. In addition, breadfruit extract can also function in inhibiting the anti-proinflammatory enzymes so that the occurrence of inflammation in your skin can be minimized.

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16.Increase the Growth of New Cells

The antioxidant content in breadfruit is needed for the growth of new cells. For those of you who are often exposed to sunlight, these antioxidants can provide protection to prevent skin damage from the sun. Your skin will look smooth and stay young.

17.Helps Hair Growth

Breadfruit contains moderate amounts of iron. This content can help improve blood circulation in the scalp so that it can stimulate hair follicles. As a result, hair growth can increase.

18.Prevent Hair Damage, Itching, and Reduce the Causes of Dandruff

Omega 3 and Omega 6 content in breadfruit can be used as a source of fatty acids. This content can be used to reduce broken hair and maintain hair condition naturally. Fatty acids play a role in controlling the sebum on the scalp so that hair problems such as dandruff and itching can be reduced. Fatty acids also play a role in inhibiting cell death and inflammation of the scalp. As a result, frequent hair loss can be prevented.

19.Breadfruit Is Able to Lower Blood Sugar Content

The research results of the LIPI Chemical Research Center said that breadfruit contains a flavonoid compound in the form of 8-geranyl-4,5,7-trihydroxyflavone which can be used as a strong anti-diabetic. The flavonoid compounds were isolated by Puspa DN Lotulung, Andini Sundowo, Sofa Fajriah, and Euis Filaila. Other research from UGM shows that breadfruit leaf extract can make male wistar rats which were previously given glucose experience hyperglycemia. The dose of glucose monohydrate of 1.35 g per 200 g of body weight can cause blood sugar content in rats to increase from 88.96 mg / dl to 173.95 mg / dl.

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20.Treating Gout

Breadfruit is known to treat gout. A handful of dried breadfruit leaves brewed have the effect of curing gout. The tendency of bitter taste in breadfruit leaves can be reduced by adding rock or honey sugar. Dauh breadfruit has sap that can cause bitter taste when consumed.

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21.Treating Kidney Disease

Breadfruit leaves contain riboflavin, potassium, hydroxyic acid, saponins, polyphenols, acetylcholine, tannins, and phenols which are believed to cure kidney disease. Potassium contained in the kidneys will help destroy Ca-oxalate as the main cause of kidney stones. Broken Ca-oxalate will then dissolve and together it is excreted in the urine. Although it has not been able to be proven scientifically, but the use of breadfruit leaves in patients with kidney disease shows signs of improvement such as reduced protein content in urine and loss of swelling.

22.Lowering Cholesterol Levels

The consumption of breadfruit leaves is believed to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. The trick is to make steeping hot water with a handful of dried breadfruit leaves. This step is similar to how to make tea in general. These ingredients can be taken daily.

The side effect of drinking breadfruit leaf decoction is cramping in the muscles and a decrease in blood pressure..png

Well, so a brief review of the Benefits and Content of Breadfruit (Artocarpus communis) that the author can describe. Breadfruit, which seems normal, turns out to have a myriad of health benefits. Even not just the fruit that can be used, but also the leaves because it is proven to treat various diseases. Hopefully this article can provide you with insight into the benefits contained in breadfruit. Don't forget to start consuming breadfruit! When this breadfruit has appeared with various types of cultivars. You can also process it into various types of dishes. For those of you who want to use breadfruit fruit or leaves as an alternative health, do not forget to continue to consult with your doctor.

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