"I Think, Therefore I Am...In Deep Shit."
“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind” ― Jim Morrison
Ever wonder why TV shows are referred to as programs? Yup. Its exactly what it sounds like.
Every viewer is being routinely programmed by various local and national networks that broadcast shows that must comply with the FCC. (Federal Communications Commission)
We all receive a steady diet of federally approved programming day and night, 24/7. Except, of course, when some urgent piece of propaganda pertaining to our national interests or national security becomes necessary and we are suddenly whisked away to some ‘special bulletin’ where we are promptly spoon fed ‘news and official information’ that none of us had even give our consent to watch.
But hey, not to worry! Once we are through receiving our ‘special bulletin’ we will all be taken back to our ‘regularly scheduled programming’ “
Hah! Good point.