chapter 2: 5 Whys method effective way to find the root cause problem

Treat the disease not the symptom everybody seems to agree with that but we're doing the opposite.
I want to share a method with you that I recently stumbled it's called the 5 Why's method.
It's a method developed by the Tyota production system.The goal of using this method is making the root cause very clear that in turn helps coming to the solution easier.So here is an example:
Let's use this methode on a problem we commonly encounter:procrastination
Let's use as series of questions to try to figure out what caused us to procrastinatehere is an example:
Why didn't you do your shores today?
I was tiredWhy were you tired?
I was binge watching my favourite tv showWhy did binge watch?
I was procrastinating because I had something important to adressWhy were you procrastinating?
I'm afraid face the the important matter head on orwhy are you afraid?
I'm afraid that's it goes they way I don't want it.
it's a rudimentair example try this one of your personal life problems you will be amazed where it can take you.A fun fact btw if you procrastinating you are stressing about something. So ask yourself repeatedly why you procrastinating until you find the root cause.Last but not least here remarkable video that perhaps may intrigue you