Advances in Brain Machine Interfaces -Những tiến bộ trong giao diện máy điện não
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Advances in Brain Machine Interfaces - Những tiến bộ trong giao diện máy điện não - Nguyễn Công Trình st
Keynote Title: Advances in Brain Machine Interfaces
Keynote Lecturer: Dr. José C. Príncipe
Keynote Chair: Dr. Jan Cabri
Presented on: 03-02-2012
Abstract: The field of Brain Machine Interfaces are becoming more sophisticated with the improved knowledge of the brain and a more realistic assessment of the disabled user's needs. This talk summarizes current work on architectures and signal processing algorithms for motor BMIS. Two types of symbiotic BMIs, the reward and goal driven will be described. Issues related to the design of the algorithms for spike train signal processing in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces will also be briefly presented and compared with alternate techniques.
Presented at the following Conference: BIOSTEC, International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies
Conference Website:
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