Are you not entertained? Mayweather and McGregor put on virtuoso performances to kick of World Tour

in #boxing7 years ago (edited)

THIS is the big show

Let’s not be under any illusions. The Floyd Mayweather – Conor McGregor Superfight is a 100 percent hype show. It’s about two of the biggest trash talkers in combat sport settling their online tête-à-têtes in a boxing ring. It’s a circus. It's more entertainment than sport. And personally I love it!


I’m getting my money’s worth and we’re only half way through a 4 stop “World” Press Conference Tour! This event is what Twitter, Youtube and Instagram were made for.

Dancing bear

Let’s be clear on what these Press Conferences are about. Mayweather has proven he can generate 100s of millions of dollars in boxing ticket sales and Pay Per View buys, provided he has the right dance partner. These Press Conferences are about selling Conor McGregor as a dance partner. And "boy", is Conor dancing…. literally as well as figuratively.

Mac The Knife

If you’re into mma you already know that McGregor is currently the most charismatic trash talker in combat sport. Arguable the best combat sport trash talker since Muhammad Ali. Outside of mma however many would be wondering what the fuss is about.

Now they know.


McGregor is box office He is the kind of engaging personality that immediately makes you invested in the outcome of his journey. Love him or hate him, you want to see what happens next.

He mixes humour and honesty in a way few of his contemporaries can match. Whether you believe him or not, it is clear that he believes in his ability to win a boxing match against the best boxer of this generation, in his first professional boxing match.

First Stop – LA LA Big city of dreams

The first of four press conferences kicked off in Los Angeles on Tuesday night. And it was TV Gold. McGregor swaggered on stage with a slick suit pin-striped with Fuck You embroidery.


Mayweather wore casual clothes and a baseball cap. Despite the deck being heavily stacked against him, walking out second, talking second, having his mic cut, not be informed on the arrangements, it was Conor who came out on top. On the surface the LA Press conference looked even. Mayweather played the tough guy on the mic. He embraced the role of the heel. However when you hear the words that were exchanged when the pair faced off at the end of the Press Conference it was clear who was alpha. McGregor was the man, outside the squared circle at least.

Old man cameo

The best part of the LA press conference was the scrum, where Conor and Floyd’s father, Floyd Mayweather Sr went back-and-forth. The playful banter between McGregor and the old warhorse Sr, was a bonus treat. “You’re a fan... “ McGregor said. Deep down, Mayweather Sr probably is.

Back to Back – In Toronto

If there was any doubt who got the best of the LA press conference, there was no doubt that McGregor absolutely roasted Floyd in Toronto. It turned into a one-man stand-up show, with Mayweather the butt of virtually every joke. The Canadian crowd was so pro McGregor, booing Mayweather at every turn. Lapping up all of Conor’s antics.

No Showtime love

One reason Conor McGregor is loved by so much by so many is he gives zero fucks about authority and the established order. He isn’t cowered. In LA his mic was cut. In Toronto he went at the neck of Showtime’s Stephen Espinoza. “Fuck Showtime!” He declared. “…you fucking weasel.”

Many fighters would not dare to go at a major broadcaster, regardless of how they may have wronged them. But McGregor knows his worth. He knows, whatever the result of this fight, in the long run, Showtime will need him more than he needs them. This is likely the last milking of the Mayweather cash cow. However the McGregor money making machine is only just starting. McGregor holds the chips and he isn't afraid of reminding anyone of that.

Flag holder or bag-holder?

The most poignant part of the Press Conferences so far was when Mayweather picked up the Irish flag and draped it around his shoulders.


In many ways, Mayweather was holding a symbol of what McGregor represents. He represents the pride of a nation. In response, McGregor picked up Mayweathers ‘school bag’ with $5000 in it. To many, (on the surface), McGregor was holding something symbolic of what Mayweather represents… an insolent child with a bag full of money.

However scratch beneath the surface and you'll realise Mayweather is far more astute than that.

Self made Anti-hero

Let’s be clear however. McGregor is dancing to Mayweather’s tune. Yes McGregor is the crowd favourite. Yes, McGregor is the better trash talker. Yes, McGregor could demolish Floyd in any other combat sport. However when it comes to boxing and making money out of the sweet science, Mayweather is the powerhouse.


Mayweather has made his fortune being the unbeatable boxing anti-hero. The anti-hero to the popular De Hola. The anti-hero to Canelo. The anti-hero to Pacquiao. Not only did he win those matchups. He made huge paydays being the man everyone wanted to see beaten.

Mayweather choose McGregor because he knew the Irishman could be the perfect people’s hero. The charming trash-talking underdog, that will get the turnstiles turning and the PPVs clocking up. This is the reason why McGregor was the only fighter Mayweather would come out of retirement for. In many ways we're experiencing Floyd's vision. And it's shaping up to be a blockbuster event, regardless of the sporting merits.

Strictly business

Let’s also be clear. What happens before August 26 is irrelevant to what will go down on fight night. Both Mayweather and McGregor are the most calculating fighters imaginable. Both has done this before. Neither will be rattled by what the other has done in LA or Toronto. Nor will they be fazed by what they will do in New York or London. This is the business of drumming up enough interest to give people an excuse to part with their hard earned cash come the night of August 26th.


And both are playing their part to aplomb so far.


This is the reason why McGregor was the only fighter Mayweather would come out of retirement for. In many ways we're experiencing Floyd's vision.

That is one of the most astute observations I've seen yet. This is Mayweather's vision. He is smart enough to understand the terrain and play his role.

I'm with you, boy this is entertaining.

I've had more fun watching these pressers than I've had in a looonnnng time watching anything. I watched the Toronto presser 3 times the whole way through last night. This is truly, must see tv. I'm not delusional in the fact that I think Conor will win, but the more and more I see them together the more and more I think this just might have a few interesting moments. The 10oz gloves and large ring I think spell doom for Conor, & throw in the fact that it's hard to even lay a finger on Floyd in a phone booth, but I haven't seen a fighter with this much confidence in a long time come up against Floyd. They have my $100 already. The Mayweather Sr and Conor exchange was priceless. August 26th can't get here soon enough. I've got my popcorn ready!

2 more press conferences to go! can't wait. When McGregor called out Showtime I was in shock. it was total bs the m cutting off his mic though. I don't think Floyd is rattled though. He knew what he getting into.

You outdid yourself here. This was a great writeup.
I don't know much about boxing or mcgregor, but I know of both of them. I know of floyd's status but you filled in all the details around the hype. I like how you put into perspective how this is kinda floyd's vision, he loves making a hero and then tearing him down. All the while, making money on the fight. A lot of money. Great article.
When I was asked the other day about the fight I asked how many boxing matches has mcgregor been in? I still want him to win, but if I feel that way and I don't watch the sport, what they are doing is working. Great job here.
Thanks for all the support on my blogs. I appreciate it.

This will be Conor's first professional boxing match. But he is an excellent mma fighter, with a great 'stand-up' game and freakish punch power. However boxing is a different sport and Mayweather is the best of his generation. It should be a mismatch, but McGregor has done unthinkable things in mma already. Hence the interest and intrigue.

I agree. I knew he hadn't boxed in any, so that was my response to the question. I don't know enough to pick the winner, but the undefeated boxer against a guy who's never boxed at this level should be a mismatch. McGregor is making a show of it for sure, and who knows, he could slip on in on Floyd. We'll see. Great article, man.

Connor is a good athlete, but he's a truly extraordinary linguist. The way he made Mayweather Snr look was something to behold. It demonstrates that words can be as profitable to an athlete as their performance. Terrific article @nanzo-scoop.

The money in sport is with the 'casual fans'. Casual fans need more than sporting excellence to peak their interest. Personality is top of that list. If you can give the casual fan something to talk about and buy into beyond the intricacies of the sport they love you for it. And the paychecks will follow.

The hype is real, haha. Love the pressers. My favorite is how McGregor is like..."little legs, weak core, I see a frail old man...such a little head, with my big fist...its over" hahaha. I mean you just cant help but laugh.

If somehow, however improbable, McGregor knocks out Floyd? Oh my.

Its going to be awesome, Pure entertainment at its best! Reminds me of Rocky 3 :)

I'm trying to score tickets in Vegas but mannn, those are going to be rare and expensive lol

This is what Mayweather is saying to McGregor
image1 (4).JPG

Mayweather is going to kick his ASS...

Are you going to the London Press conference? I think Mcgregor can do it, all he has to do is land one shot and you can see how Alvaraz and Aldo shutdown.

Form Voltron LOL!

Lol I'm finding a way to go there, it's only 25 mins away walking.

Good luck and hope you get in, I think it's a ticketed event. Try and hold up a sign for Buy STEEM :D

I hear it's sold out and the free tickets are reselling for around £40. I would go if it was more local, however it's the other side of London - I'll watch online though. Hopefully it's more like Toronto than New York.

Fairly non eventful, apart from the "F" bomb, wtf

This is an EXCELLENT write-up. This thing is quite the spectacle. Mcgregor has always seemed a Heel to me, then I've always preferred fighters with a temperament more like Rory Macdonald, Demian Maia, and Vasyl Lomachenko etc. I'm interested to see this bout, but I really don't see Macgregor coming out on top. He had a decision against Diaz and he's facing the greatest defensive boxer of all time. Unless this whole thing is an elaborate work and mayweather takes a fall. I see this going the distance, with Mayweather on top by split decision. And I say that as somebody who despises Mayweather.

Anyways thanks for the quality combat sports writing. I'm Def giving a follow.

I think the smart money is on Mayweather by decision or a late stoppage. McGregor is a tough as nails but his cardio will be called into question if he cannot land on Floyd and Floyd is lighting him up at will. Boxing cardio and mma cardio are different. Even little things, like wearing boots, and bigger gloves will play a factor in a taxing fight where you aren't used to being in that situation. It can also be mentally taxing against someone as seasoned as Mayweather.

McGregor's best chance is an early KO or for Mayweather to have age incredibly since his last fight two years ago. Alternatively if there is a very lenient referee that let's McGregor get away with mauling Mayweather. That is probably the X-factor. The degree to which McGregor can implement an mma style game in a boxing match. If he can implement some 'dirty' mma tactics (particularly in the clinch) it may make for an interesting night.

For those of us that work in Las Vegas and have had to deal with Floyd Mayweather we all hope he gets destroyed. but we also know how rigged boxing is. Floyd probably made more on his last fight then McGregor has his whole career. If this fight happened in a parking lot or in a bar McGregor would destroy Mayweather and that is why all the rules and everything has been wrote by Floyd to protect Floyd McGregor will lose because of this. I also want to add that Floyd Mayweather is far from being the best fighter in his weight class Julio Cesar Chaves was a hundred times better with a better record. I am not sure but I'm pretty sure he had 80 wins before his first loss. Floyd will never come close to that.

Maybe I'm out of the loop but what exactly did Team Mayweather put in the contract "to protect Floyd" that's different from the typical Marquess of Queensberry Rules? I don't understand.

There are probably a few things that decrease the changes of McGregor getting an unlikely win/ KO, e.g. the weight they fight at, the gloves used (size and type), the size of the ring, the choice of referee, when they fight (the sooner the better for Floyd) etc.

I'm pretty sure Mayweather would have had the final say on all of them.

Ultimately, you're right in the sense that it is a boxing match and boxing skill will be the biggest factor. But any little advantage he can get, you can bet Mayweather has covered it off.

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