💊ATLANTICO NETWORK💊Turbo 💊 (06.08.) 💊
Hello, guys! Please take part in new Turbo Bounty for ATLANTICO!
Twitter turbo
Terms: follow official Twitter page, retweet the post and leave constructive comment (at least 2 sentences).
Follow the page + retweet + comment - 65 ATL for the post
Link for the official Twitter page https://twitter.com/AtlantICOnetwo1
Link for the post 1 https://twitter.com/AtlantICOnetwo1/status/1026371299462004736
Link for the post 2 https://twitter.com/AtlantICOnetwo1/status/1026022089197805568
Link for the post 3 https://twitter.com/AtlantICOnetwo1/status/1025769894971953152
Google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LRZtQQI85ZxXoIRqYMAdLEPTFT2bUS2tiV1Z7QbTkmU
Medium turbo
Terms: follow official Medium page, leave 30 claps and constructive comment (at least 2 sentences) for Medium posts.
Follow the page + 30 claps - 20 ATL for each post
Follow the page + 30 claps + comment - 45 ATL for each post
Link for the official Medium page https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1
Link for the post 1 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/what-income-will-users-receive-from-atl-tokens-499c95836fe3
Link for the post 2 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/atlantico-network-has-connected-a-service-which-accepts-credit-cards-afefe94adf3a
Link for the post 3 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/atlantico-network-how-does-it-work-89dc8a1bb605
Link for the post 4 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/atlantico-network-will-bring-together-pharmaceutical-medical-and-insurance-services-19ca05cbff46
Link for the post 5 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/atlantico-network-mobile-app-f51046e787fe
Link for the post 6 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/atlantico-network-is-a-blockchain-platform-for-medicine-and-pharmacy-3c4770fa586f
Google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1DFO66izFLudQEHiQJyqd6AdIeXxroBSHTrROv7FHeWQ
Facebook turbo
Terms: follow official Facebook page and make a constructive post about ATLANTICO (at least 3 sentences) for 65 ATL. You should use the following hashtags: #AtlantICO #Cryptocurrency #Atlantico_Network
Link for the official Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/atlanticonetwork/
Google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1C4Cs1RckYb_9akTGRKxmihqeNyT27Nbsmi3otl3LTpQ
Telegram turbo
Terms: join official telegram group and leave constructive comment (at least 2 sentences) ATLANTICO (at least 3 sentences) for 65 ATL.
Link for the official telegram group https://t.me/AtlantICO_network
Google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uBcmUcrOAbwI4PpkC6yq1VDiK-LQD9S0laU-WMIPnxc
Turbo spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GLswY60pT1U1zEVsASlJmvSOXTKkA_a_kIKaoYzbWBk
P.S. Turbo Bounty is a short terms bounty, limited by time with fix tokens reward