Boulder Sunday 💕 Number 75

Happy Big or Small Rock Day!
Early or late any day is good
for a boulder date!
Blast from the past.

I didn't see this was a action shot
till after loading it on the computer.

These boulders are called the Sisters
they are near Clam Gulch Alaska.

Mount Redoubt volcano in the distance.

Low and high tide levels in
the Cook inlet are extreme.

Show us your boulders
Large rocks are needed
roll them on over.
Must be your own photos!
Boulder location would be
great to know if possible.
Use the tag
#bouldersunday by @shasta
Then we can hunt them!
Drop a link to your
boulder below so we
don't miss your post!
Many thank you's
to all the boulder posters!
It is a real pleasure to
see them!

Everyone's #bouldersunday
postings in order.
Link scrolls back to the stone age.

Awesome ROCKS!
Lovely rocks! Wanna to hug them and take them home!
Support of Visual Artworks and Photogrpahy on Steem by @stef1 and @art-venture , rewarded by the Steem Community Curation Project ( @steemcurator08 ).
It is interesting only seeing people next to the rocks it is easy to imagine how big the rocks are. beautiful coastal area, nice for walking :)