Bougainvilleas revisited.

This past Summer in Sydney was a great time for admiring the colourful displays put on by the Bougainvilleas. These warm-climate plants have Bracts that come in many colours. Bracts are modified leaves which give the plants the colour, the actual flowers are in the middle of the Bracts, and are not very significant. The two main types of Bougainvilleas are the taller growing single-flowered varieties such as "Scarlet 'o' Hara" , and the smaller growing double-flowered varieties. Both types grow best in the full sun and can be trained over a trellis, fence or pergola to provide a screen or specimen plant. They are fast growing climbers, and benefit from regular watering in Summer. I took this photo of an Apricot-coloured plant in a local garden.

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@ctrl-alt-nwo, That would be really beautiful flowers indeed plants. Bougainvilleas has color variations. My home garden also grow up little Bougainvilleas plants & flowers also. It's great response by you here. I added more information via internet.


Bougainvilleas are flowering machines. You can't beat them for an explosion of color. Here you'll find care & growing tips for bougainvillea. If you live in a temperate climate and want an (almost) year round floral fiesta, then bougainvillea is the plant for you. Depending on the variety, it can be grown on a trellis or over an arbor, against a building or fence, in containers, as a hedge or ground cover, in tree form, and as a bonsai. I’ve done many posts and videos on this plant. Here I’m straight up sharing care and growing tips for bougainvillea, a plant I have a lot of experience with.

Bougainvillea can grow anywhere from 1′ to 8′ to 30′, depending on the species or variety. There are actually quite a few dwarf bougainvilleas on the market now if you don’t want one the maintenance that goes along with one that grows to 25′. In the warmth and full sun that it loves, bougainvillea is fast growing.



The color of bougainvillea can change after you plant it. This has to do with the breeding. My bougainvilleas, all well established, will change color a bit as the season’s progress. When the temps are cooler, the color seems to be more intense. My “Rainbow Gold” has newer flowers which are orange and then they fade to pink.

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Thank you for the information. Image found via google.
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Congrats, you have been Awarded the Silly Sausage for your comment and it's great pics and info. Well done !!

Thanks very much again @ctrl-alt-nwo.


This genus was named in honor of the explorer and scientist, Louis Antoine de Bougainville (1729 - 1811), who made the first French voyage around the world, and for whom the Papua New Guinean island is also named.

Known for their brilliant floral displays and ground-covering power, bougainvilleas originate from the tropics and subtropics of South America. Members of the fouro-clock (Nyctaginaceae) family, the 14 species in this genus are scrambling shrubs that can become vigorous climbers in favorable conditions resembling the climate of their native habitat.

If unsupported, these plants will remain compact or behave as ground covers, while if given support they will climb vigorously, using their sharp thorns as a means of attachment.

While the thin-textured, downy, tapering leaves and small, tubular, ivory to yellow flowers play a role in the overall attractive appearance of these plants, it is the brilliantly colored petal-like bracts that create its dramatic impact.

All species do well in warm to hot climates and some species will tolerate light frosts. For best results, plant bougainvilleas in a light well-drained soil in a sunny position. Although drought tolerant, they need plenty of moisture during the flowering season. Overfeeding will produce masses of foliage but very little in the way of colourful bracts. Propagate from cuttings taken in summer.


Congrats, you are sharing the Fav. comment Award with one other. Great pics and info.

I didn't see Orange color bougainvilleas before! This is a nice photography and an article too!


bougenvil is a very beautiful ornamental plant I really like this flower so much I collect this flower of various colors and almost every day bloom and even rarely no flowering, very beautiful flowers.IMG_20180127_073144.jpgIMG_20180127_073259.jpgIMG_20180206_064213.jpg

Bougainvillea in the garden offers green foliage year round and brilliant “blooms” in summer. Growing bougainvillea in gardens requires some effort, but many think that these tropical and subtropical woody vines are worth it. Read on for information about how to grow a bougainvillea.



Bougainvillea are thorny, evergreen summer bloomers, but their orange, yellow, crimson or purple flowers are actually modified leaves called bracts. The bracts surround the actual flowers that are tiny and white. To start growing bougainvillea in gardens, you’ll need to live somewhere warm; otherwise, container growing of bougainvillea is recommended. The plants thrive in USDA hardiness zone 10-11, and will also grow in zone 9 with adequate protection





When looking for a home for your bougainvillea, think about how you plan to train it. These are vigorous-growing plants that can quickly take over a wall or garden area, but can be trained and maintained to fit a desired setting. Bougainvillea can also be used in containers and trained as a shrub or sprawling groundcover.

Because of bougainvillea's woody habit and vigorous growth, these plants lend themselves very well to being manipulated and trained in a variety of ways. The most common, especially in tropical areas where plants are hardy, is to allow these plants to climb walls and trellises. This is the simplest way to display the wonderful blooms of bougainvillea.

They can also be used in hanging baskets with minimal care. Because these plants don't have tendrils, they do need some manipulating, but as a hanging basket plant, no training is needed. Bougainvillea also make fantastic topiaries. Since they are so fast growing, it is easy to create tall topiary plants with minimal effort. On a smaller scale, bougainvillea can make stunning bonsai specimens. This takes time over the course of many years, but with relentless pruning some unique bonsai can be made.




Bougainvillea in the garden offers green foliage year round and brilliant “blooms” in summer. Growing bougainvillea in gardens requires some effort, but many think that these tropical and subtropical woody vines are worth it.

Bougainvillea are thorny, evergreen summer bloomers, but their orange, yellow, crimson or purple flowers are actually modified leaves called bracts. The bracts surround the actual flowers that are tiny and white. To start growing bougainvillea in gardens, you’ll need to live somewhere warm; otherwise, container growing of bougainvillea is recommended. The plants thrive in USDA hardiness zone 10-11, and will also grow in zone 9 with adequate protection. They are extremely drought-resistant and thrive in almost any well-draining soil. How to grow a bougainvillea vine is easy once you know the basics.

Gardeners caring for bougainvillea in the garden don’t need to worry much about water once the plants mature. Irrigate only when the plants start to wilt and the soil is dry. The vines do need food. Fertilize your bougainvillea every month in spring and early summer. You’ll want to use a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer at half the normal dosage. Pruning is part of the work if you are caring for bougainvillea in the garden.


Bougainvillea is one of the most common and most recognizeable tropical ornamental plants. There are 14 recognized species, but the cultivated bougainvilleas are derived from three species and their hybrids.

The name bougainvillea is based on the scientific name for the genus, Bougainvillea. Admiral Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, Comte de Bougainville, was a French soldier and sailor. In 1766 the French government commissioned him to sail around the world, finding new territories for France. He took along a naturalist, Philibert Commerson and it was at the very beginning of the trip, in Rio de Janiero, that the first bougainvilleas known to western science were collected. Impressed by the bright bracts, Commerson named them for the admiral, as Bougainvillea.

Recently, the story of the discovery of bougainvillea has been revised. Commerson did go on the voyage and was the botanist. But his housekeeper and lover, Jeanne Baret (Baré) went along as Commerson's assistant. The French navy absolutely and explicitly prohibited women on naval vessels. Nevertheless, Baret disguised herself as a man and sailed with Commerson. The surviving journals of the expedition barely mention her, probably due to a mix of sexism and fear of the consequences of admitting that they knew the "no women!" rule was broken.


Bougainvillea is a hardy tropical vine that grows in areas where winter temperatures remain above 30 degrees F. (-1 C.). The plant usually produces three rounds of vibrant blooms in spring, summer and autumn. If you don’t have growing space or live in a suitable climate, you can plant bougainvillea in a pot. If you live in a chilly climate, bring potted bougainvillea plants indoors before the first frost.
Bougainvillea performs well in a relatively small container where its roots are slightly restricted. When the plant is large enough for repotting, move it to a container only one size larger. Use a regular potting soil without a high level of peat moss; too much peat retains moisture and may result in root rot. Any container used for growing bougainvillea must have at least one drainage hole. Install a trellis or support at planting time; installing one later may damage the roots.
ougainvillea is a heavy feeder and requires regular fertilization to produce blooms throughout the growing season. You can use a water-soluble fertilizer mixed at half strength every seven to 14 days, or apply a slow-release fertilizer in spring and midsummer. Bougainvillea blooms on new growth. This means you can prune the plant as needed to maintain the desired size. The ideal time to trim the plant is immediately following a flush of blooms.


Magoo-2 found a series of multi accounts of a same owner is following your articles to cheat your generous rewards.

Magoo-2 found these accounts are suspicious & can be multi accounts of a single owner. Conclusion is based on last 30 days transactions:


Check our latest multi comment spam update report

Are you in senses? How could you associate me with those accounts?? Before you blame someone you have to provide the proof. You are blindly hitting without proof. Have a look,,, The great steemian @crypto2crypto has also been put on the list? OMG!!!

You are a shit pot Mr. @magoo-2. I will report it to @steemcleaners that you are spreading spam without any logics and proof. It is not cool and you should have some shame!!

Hey thank you for tagging me. Yea this bot is totally busted, It connected me to the rest of these accounts because I gave a follower some SBD for a graphic he created for me.

@ ctrl-alt-nwo @abdulmanan you lie says. I took
the account. In his account of the transaction is $
abdulmanan. I have collected the evidence.
@abdulmanan owner of the account itself. You can see
all account, wallet check.




Okay now you have done a little useless effort and come up with a piece of shit!

Stay here, I will show you why he sent me that 1SBD!

When he sent 1 SBD to minnowbooster they gave him the vote of 1.7$ he asked me to check why they have sent this much low weight vote. So to check, I sent his link and this time they voted at 2.25$. So that was much different from the previous one. Just to check that glitch, I sent his link for the vote and in return, he sent me my SBD back! Regarding crypto2crypto, you can ask him about that.

How you can blame and associate an account to someone with just a single transaction? If you say my account is associated to his you should at least provide more than one transaction and they should be made frequently! Then it would make sense and until that stop this bullshit!

In this way many people now have to
transfer $ from ID to another ID. I have
evidence to prove that you are no longer a

I wasn't the one from the beginning of this universe! You should first monitor the accounts and then mark them as a duplicate. You can't associate any account to someone with just a single transaction. You can see there isn't any other transaction from the creation of my account!

Go and ask @crypto2crypto why he has sent me those 8.44 sbd's? I have made a footer for him and he reward me those sbd's. I am graphics designer.

He isn't in his senses! He is a piece of shit and that's all. Without any logic and proof, he is blaming me along with the great steemian crypto2crypto!

There is a logic of your words. I've
removed your name from my list. I'll
follow you from now on.

You are most welcome to visit my wallet any time you like! But I really feel bad for you as you will get nothing other than disappointment!

By the way, it looks like we need to ask you before we make transactions? Are you the incharge of this whole steem blockchain?

@magoo-2 how could I prove you that I have stopped using those accounts and how you will remove my name from your list?

I have accepted that I was using those account, I own those account, what else I can do? It is more than 20 days I haven't used them. you can go and check.
Do you know I can get sp on lease and can flag your account and can get your account disable?
But I don't wanna do that, why?
I don't want to do anything wrong with anyone :)
Hopefully, you'll understand it :)

I have already accepted that these are my accounts, can't you understand?
or should I tell you in some other language for you to understand better?
Those were the remaining earnings that I moved to my bittrex account, now is anything wrong in it too?
Have you found any evidence that shows that I'm still using these accounts?
I'm I commenting on them?
Please go and check Each of them.'

Don't be so childish brother!

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