The most important skill that no body thought you !

in #boredom6 years ago

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Before dying at the age of 39, Blaze Pascal made significant contributions to both physics and mathematics, especially in fluid, geometry and probability.

However, this work will affect more than the scope of natural science. In many areas which we now classify under the title of social science, in fact, they grow from the foundation, through which they helped.

The interesting thing is that most of these were done in the years of their teen years, some of which were coming in the twentieth century. As an adult experience, inspired by a religious experience, he actually started moving towards philosophy and theology.

Just before his death, he was extracting pieces of personal ideas which would later be released in the form of collections of coins.

While the book is mostly in the matter of choosing the life of the mathematician's faith and belief, the more curious thing about it is its clear and clear light of what it means to be human. Before psychology is considered a formal discipline, it is an outline of our psychology.

There is considerable thought-provoking material for quote, and it attacks human nature from various forms, but one of its most famous ideas tells the origin of its reasoning properly:

“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

According to Pascal, we fear the silence of existence, we dread boredom and instead choose aimless distraction, and we can’t help but run from the problems of our emotions into the false comforts of the mind.

The issue at the root, essentially, is that we never learn the art of solitude.

Today, more than ever, Pascal's message is true. If there is a word to describe the progress made in the past 100 years, then this is a connection.

Information technology dominates our cultural direction. From telephony to TV to the internet till the internet, we get ways to get together, which gives constant worldly access.

I can sit in my office in Canada and can take myself practically anywhere through Skype. I can be on the other side of the world and still with a quick browse what's going on at home.

I do not think I need to highlight the benefits of all these. But Downsides are also starting to show Apart from the current things about privacy and data collection, there is probably a more harmful side effect here.

Now we live in a world where we are connected with everything except ourselves.

If Pascal's observation about Pascal's inability to sit quietly in his room is generally true about human condition, then due to the options available today, this issue has definitely been enhanced in the order of dimensions.

Logic, of course, is fascinating. Why are you alone when you will never have to?

Well, the answer is that being alone alone is not the same thing as never feeling alone. Even worse, you are less comfortable with privacy, the more likely it is that you will not know yourself. And then, you'll spend even more time to avoid focusing somewhere else. In this process, you will get accustomed to the same techniques that you were about to free.

Just because we can use the world's noise to overcome the inconvenience of dealing with ourselves does not mean that this disadvantage goes away.

Almost everyone considers themselves self-aware. They think they know how they feel and what they want and what their problems are. But the truth is that very few people really do. And the people who do, they will be the first person to tell that how self-awareness is playful and how long it takes to get there.

In today's world, people can go without digging their entire life beyond wearing surface-level masks; In fact, many do.

Who are we, who we are in contact with, and this is a problem.

Boredom as a mode of stimulation :-

If we take it back to the fundamental principles - and it touches anything Pascal - our deviation to privacy is in fact a confusion for boredom.

At its core, it is not necessary that we are accustomed to a TV set because there is something particularly satisfying about it, as we are not accustomed to most stimulants because the benefits are more than Downsides. Instead, what we are actually accustomed to is boring condition.

Almost anything else that controls our life in an unhealthy way, it is rooted in our realization that we are afraid of nothing. We can not imagine imagining instead. And therefore, we seek entertainment, we seek company, and if they fail, then we also pursue high altitude.

We ignore the fact that never having to face this emptiness, we should never face ourselves. And this is the reason why we do not face anytime, even though we are so closely connected with everything around us, we feel alone and worried.

Fortunately, there is a solution. The only way to escape from this fear of being ruined - like any fear - to face it. This boreat lets you take the place where it wants so that you can deal with whatever you are doing, which is actually going on with the feeling of self. This is the time when you will think about yourself, and it will happen when you learn to engage your parts which are masked by anxiety.

Its beauty is that, when you cross that initial obstacle, you feel that being alone is not so bad. Boredom can provide its stimulus.

When you are surrounded by moments of loneliness and stability, you become familiar with your environment in such a way that forced excitement is not allowed. The world becomes rich, the layers start peeling back, and you see things that they are really, in their complete fulfillment, in all their paradoxes, and in their unfamiliarity.

You learn that there are other things that you are capable of paying attention rather than making the most noise on the surface. Just because a quiet room does not shout with excitement, such as the idea of ​​immersing yourself in a film or TV show does not mean that there is no depth to explore.

Sometimes, in the direction in which this loneliness takes you, it can be unpleasant, especially when it comes to introspection - your thoughts and emotions, your doubts and your hopes - but in the long run, from running away from all this It is much more enjoyable without even feeling that you are.

By embracing boredom, you can find novelty in the things you did not know were novels; This is like seeing the world for the first time without being a child. It also resolves the majority of internal conflicts.

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