RE: Adventures in Minimalism - Letting Go Of Books
Books are hard for us to minimalize. We adore both the story and the presentation of the novels.
There are at least 2 bookshelves, maybe more (they're kind of spread out) full of these leather-bound novels. Between us there are only a few that we haven't read and we've found some authors there that we might have not easily have found otherwise.
We generally don't buy books anymore unless they are good enough to read again (and then we try to get good quality hardbacks when available) but we won't be giving up these ones which we both like the story but love the book. As they're good quality maybe we'll call them our 'old age fund'. They're worth a good price if you try to buy them online. 😉
There was a time when I could have taken up minimalism but living where we do we have too much impetus and room to store stuff.
That is a really handsome collection. I don't think I would let that one go, either.