SIX New Reviews For My Books!!!!

in #books5 years ago

This month has been excellent for me so far as I have received SIX new reviews on Amazon for my books. As most people know one review can be a huge boost to traffic and interest in any product, so having six has understandably put me in a great mood.

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The Price of Fame

“This story is well rounded. I like that it’s not too long and it isn’t predictable even though it is as you have hope for the main character all the way through the book. It is a book that I couldn’t put down.”

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The Butterfly Killings

“Loved the characters and the way it was written in diary form. The twists were unexpected and found it nice that there was no room for a sequel.”



“Loved every bit of this book. I could feel the characters awkwardness, I could relate to some of the situations on a personal level.”


Talk To Me

“This book had me chuckling and going OH No! Not being a fellow didn’t appreciate the obstacles young men face especially when they are shy. Really liked the main character, Ross. Really felt for him at times. Overall relaxing read.”


The Pornstar

“This looked at an industry from an unusual perspective. The different characters surprised me. There were a few twists that I wasn’t expecting and some of the language is quite graphic. Don’t read this if you are easily shocked or offended by the Porn Industry. I found it a bit of a page turner.”

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“I always know when I’ve enjoyed a book, that’s when I’m sad that it is finished. Loved the main character, he was very human. The corruption side of the story reminded me of some stories I was told when travelling around South East Asia. Nothing is ever as it seems out there. Thanks Lewis.”

All these reviews are from the same person, which actually makes it so much better because that shows they have read one, then have gone on to read all the others. To entertain someone like that is a great feeling and has put a huge smile on my face. I hope this leads to more people becoming aware of and ultimately enjoying my work and being inspired by it.


To buy Lewis J F Clarke books, here are the Amazon links:

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Rest of the world:



Hello @lewisjfclarke, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you so much for taking an interest! I barely use Steemit anymore but I post every now and then in the hope that I meet someone who may take an interest in my books, so thank you for making this post worth doing. I am following you now as well so hopefully we'll see each other again in the future :-)

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